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PoE 3.6 Builds - 5 Starter Builds for Path of Exile: Synthesis

作者: John Ryan


Today MmoGah (a Golden Brand seller in the game market, ranking Top 3 during searching “PoE Currency”, “PoE Items”, “PoE Exalted orb” and “PoE Chaos orb” in Google) will showcase 5 solid league starter builds for Path of Exile: Synthesis League. Anything from great boss killers with high single target damage to fast mappers with great aoe, all on a reasonable budget. Most of them rather beginner friendly too, but make sure to read the guides properly before you settle on a build guide.



1.       Incinerator Elementalist


The first build on the list is Incinerator Elementalist. Incinerator is a channeling skill that goes through 8 stages, the longer you channel it, the bigger it grows. When you stop channeling, you release a wave of fire in a destructive girthy area igniting everything in its path and dealing up to 500% more damage. This build is played as the Elementalist ascendancy. This will help you build your direct damage, increase your area of effect and provide additional Herald utility. In Synthesis, Incinerate received a buff, and like many other smells, it is now cheaper to sustain, but it's an area of effect and high level damage also received a notable buff. So our science build can do any constant in the game. Check it out.



2.       Herald of Agony Gladiator


The second build on the list is a Herald of Agony Max Blank Gladiator. So first of all the main damage source from this build comes from the agony crawler minion which is summit via the herald of agony skill. This nasty little fellow has 3 different ways of attacking. The first is a mainly a tank that it rarely uses. The second is a multiple projects on a tank. The third is an explosive barrage of projectiles and it can deliver tons of damage. The beauty of the agony crawler is that just by its own without any real scaling, it deals a ton of damage. This means that your setup will get a lot of freedom to invest those points that you ordinarily would have to invest into damage notes and it isn't due part to that which allows him to scale his block chain so effectively. This is of course only emphasized by his pick of the Gladiator Ascendancy which further helps to provide amazing block scaling and utility and it's worth knowing however that the hell of agony leveling can be a little slow early on as you progress the skill. It scales very efficiently into late game.



3.       Tri-Ele Trapper Elementalist


The third build on the list is a Tri-Ele Trapper Elementalist, a build featured in the past but due to some powerful buffs to Shock Nova and ice trap. I thought it was worth a revisit. This set up cycles primarily through 3 different trap skills, namely fire trap, ice trap and shot noble trap. Fire trap and ice trap are regular traps skills of course. But in order to use Shock Nova as a trapped skill, it needs to be linked with the Tramp support gym. This now allows you to cast it as a trap and just as importantly to scale it near trap modifiers to. Fire trap is used as your main single target damage dealing source. Ice trap is used for paint clearing and shot noble trap is used for pretty much anything as it serves 2 goals dealing damage of course, but also shocking enemies making them take further damage from all the damage sources, like 2 other trap skills for instance. This build does not fully lace a type of player though it requires you to shovel through various skills to make the best of it, but if you do you also end up with a pretty solid and interesting built.



4.       Storm Brand Inquisitor


The 4th build on the list is a Storm Brand Inquisitor by Thi3n. Now I know what you're all thinking that Storm Brand wasn't just nerfed, and yes, it was 10 points to Gryffindor but it's important to remember that nerfing something does not necessarily make it useless. Storm Brand damage was nerfed roughly by 25% overall, but to prove it still solid Thi3n took out his hyperthermia support gem on his 3.5 character which according to him for his setup amounts to around 40% something more damage. He then proceeded to kill Uber Elder on his 5 link and did it rather convincingly. So to reiterate for the huffle buff sent there, Storm Brand is still perfectly viable and a solid skill for a late starter.Thi3n's build is plain SD Inquisitor. This allows him to effectively scale critical strike chains and critical damage while also receiving generous buffs to both a check-in can speed. But most importantly, the Inquisitors inevitable judgment allows critical strikes to ignore enemy elements for resistances and dust yield the intended full amount of damage. This is especially powerful against bosses who typically have high inherent resistances as long as the critical strike change is high enough to reliably deliver crits. This is a very powerful ascendancy and probably utilized.



5.       Spark Caster Inquisitor


The 5th and final build on the list is a Spark Inquisitor, another build I featured in the past but which was also just buffed in the recent pinch and now deserves a revisiting. Spark is a lightning projectile spell. When you cast a spell you spawn unpredictable sparks to move around in the near area until they expire. With enough cast speed you can efficiently cover a massive area with tons of small spark projectiles moving around providing excellent clear potential. If hitting environment or terrain, the spark reject cells will bounce off and move in another direction. Normally a spark project I look at consumed or expire once it hits an enemy however if you add a way of piercing with the project's house. These are after a short duration able to hit the same target again potentially giving a far higher amount of damage per cast than regularly. Before 3.6.0 a spark projectile cast could hit the same enemy again one second after the initial hit. This has been reduced to point 66 seconds. Now meaning the projectile can hit the same target more frequently. Besides this spark also received a notable damage buff at high levels based on spelt like Dean's is played as the Inquisitor for pretty much the same reasons - like ignoring enemy elemental resistances and cast speed entire critical strike chains in damage of course.



Thank LiftingNerdBro and thank you for reading. More updated PoE Guides & News will be coming soon. More PoE challenges are waiting for you. If you need a reliable PoE Currency or PoE Items seller to help you Level up, will be your best choice. As a trustworthy PoE Goods store, MmoGah has over 12 years’ experience in the gaming market, and it is cited as the best place to buy Path of Exile Currency and Items by many players, especially to buy PoE Exalted Orb and PoE Chaos Orb. If you are unfamiliar with it, here is a guide of Where Is the Best Place to Buy PoE Currency, that'll be helpful to you. Whenever you need us, please feel free to contact our 24/7 Online Live Chat.


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