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PoE 3.9 Metamorph League - Start Money Making Guide

作者: Michel Z

Path of Exile 3.9 - Metamorph league launches alongside Conquerors of the Atlas on December 13th, 2019. Tripolar Bear teaches you how to capitalize on the economy of the starting League. His guide contains useful secrets and tips on how to make money in PoE especially for new players. 


There are a few ways to make money:

· You can get currency drops

· You can use PoE currency to craft valuable items to sell to other players

· You can sell a service to players (bossing, crafting bench, achievements, lab/enchantments, betrayal stuff, temple stuff)

· Getting valuable gear drops (uniques, base types, good rares)

· Getting map drops

· Playing the trading game


We will be focusing on:

· Currency drops

· Map drops

· Valuable gear drops

· Trading game


Currency Drops

- At the very start of the league you will want to pick up every currency item you can find.

                    - You will need ALL currencies so you pick up EVERYTHING (wisdom). 

          - When you’re almost done with the acts, stop picking up wisdoms, portals, augs, and alts (unless you need flasks rolled)

                    - Pick up transmutes/whetstones when convenient (vendor for 4x wisdom)

          - In late white/early yellow, you should have enough alts, chromes, etc for what you need so you should start skipping them (filter them out or don’t go out of you way to pick up)

                    - Keep chances for zana map purchasing

          - As you progress through atlas (days 1-3) start to filter out junk currencies except chances (alches -)

So that pretty much means if they drop in front, I will pick them up, if they drop behind i will not. 

Every other currency, jeweler, chances etc i will pick up. This means filtering out armor scraps, wisdoms, portals, alterations, augments, jewelers, blessed orbs, binding, chromes, but NOT Whet stones and transmutes because you’ll need lots of wisdoms to ID your rares. I will always go back for alches/fuses/chances +, but will skip whetstones/transmutes if they are far away.

Map drops:

Filter website

- Maps will be very expensive at league start

- Run the white maps you obtain from the acts, and whatever others you get while running them

          - Once you run out, buy maps from zana with chance orbs, and completing whatever maps you can from those

                    - THEN you buy maps from other players, while selling the lower tiers you no longer need


League mechanic affecting atlas

·  The new atlas involves watch stones that upgrade all the tiers in an atlas zone. 

          ·  You will want to make sure that you’ll be able to do a map that can drop the new upgraded tier of maps 

                    ·  (you can’t get a t6 map drop by doing t1 and t2 maps, but you can from a t5 map, and t4 map boss)

·  Watch stones will unlock “hidden” maps

          ·  These maps will be a higher price than the others of the same tier

                    ·  Make sure you price these “hidden” maps accordingly 

·  Once you have a decent pool of higher tier maps 5-10+, make sure to be aggressively selling the lower tier maps

·  Your goal on league start is to

          ·  Have all white maps completed getting 100+ atlas bonus

          ·  Have at LEAST one quadrant fully upgraded to t14-16 maps

Since this new mechanic involves watchstones upgrading an area, you will want to have the higher tier maps in that area, so that you can complete those after boosting your maps, and obtain the new “level” of maps.

Once you get decent map pools, of the next tier, make sure you’re selling all the maps of the previous tier (if you upgrade a quadrant to yellow maps and have a decent pool of yellow maps, be selling all your white maps and even some of the lower yellow maps).


Why HIGH red maps?

- Shaper guardian maps through high red Zana missions

- Elder guardians AND the elder will replace the map boss of various zana missions

- Shaper and elder will drop fragments required for uber elder

- Shaper frags will be expensive, and shaper Uniques (dying sun) will be much more expensive

- The four new conquerors will drop the new “support gem plus” gems and they will drop more, or at all, in T16 maps.

- Higher-level item bases, higher splinters (breach/legion), higher currency (sextants, essences), as well as the higher unique map tiers dropping

- The focus this league is on t15-16 maps, these will sell very well at the start everyone wants to get support gems plus, shaper, elder, uber elder frags, and the new item base types at a high item level.

- Metamorph bosses will have much greater rewards when created from higher tier bosses.

- Even if you find a shaper guardian/elder guardian or a boss you cannot do, SELL IT to someone that can.


Valuable gear drops


·  Unique items at the start of the league will have their prices tens of times higher than what they will on days 4+

          ·  Many players want specific unique drops, and many of these are fairly common. Low supply means a ton of money selling what are normally pretty lame uniques. 

                    ·  Price check every reasonable unique, and list them for a few chaos if you don’t need the alch shards, you’d be surprised how many people random stuff.

·  Devoto's Devotion, Queen of the Forest, and many other movement speed/clear speed uniques will have a high price tag

                    ·  This is going to be even more so since there is a bow meta coming up. PoE items like Drillneck, many unique bows, and other projectile enhancing items are going to be HEAVILY sought after.


Unique items at the start of the league will have their prices tens of times higher than what they will on days 4+

Many players will want specific unique drops, and many of these uniques are fairly common, but with supply low you can make a ton of money selling what are normally pretty lame uniques. Make sure you price check every reasonable unique, and even list them in a stash tab for a few chaos, because you never know who might be upgraded on day 1-2 from that random unique.

Items like devoto's devotion, queen of the forest, and many other movement speed/clear speed uniques will have a high price tag (which is warranted because they will increase your speed enough to make the money back and more within a few hours.

This is going to be even more so since there is a bow meta coming up. Items like drillneck, many unique bows, and other projectile enhancing items are going to be HEAVILY sought after.


Tips for ending your night

·  It may seem obvious, but DO NOT buy upgrades before going to bed (unless it's an INSANE deal) 

          ·  Prices for MOST items will go down overnight, and you will have wasted money

          ·  This is not a catch all rule, some items like Devoto's will most likely go up overnight, but in general your items lose value like a car driving out of the dealership.

One important and seemingly obvious lesson I learned is that you do not want to buy gear upgrades (unless it's some crazy deal, or underpriced rare) close to when you will be getting offline. While your sleeping, nearly all item prices will be dropping, which means you could have saved 10-20 chaos by waiting until morning to buy that piece of gear.

While this is not a catch all rule (some gear will go up in price because there will be a higher demand for the items that can be supplied) it is a general rule of thumb.


Trading game

·  If you want to successfully trade you NEED these things

          ·  Know how to use (or the path of exile trading website) to live search for specific items at specific prices, with specific stats, links, sockets, or colors.

          ·  Enough premium tabs or a program like acquisition and enough normal tabs to list items to the forums for you (listing items manually is not viable)

          ·  Mercury trade or an equivalent program to sort your incoming and outgoing purchases, invites, kicking, and trading, and built in messaging (1 minute finishing a map, no thanks)

          ·  Poe trade macro or an equivalent, set a button to search for a price of the items currently posted 

          ·   A macro that will alt-tab, enter, ctrl-v, enter. This lets you click whisper, press your macro, and send the message instantly to the seller. Time saved is small, but valuable.

                    ·  This is not against poe terms of service because it is one input for one server/client action. It is similar to the mercury trade “hideout, trade, invite,  kick, and message functionality”


I am going to assume you have a basic understanding of trading in path of exile, but will give some quick refreshers.

If you want to successfully trade you absolutely NEED, cannot go without, will not be successful without these things.

Know how to use (path of exile trading website) to live search for specific items at specific prices.

Enough premium tabs or a program like acquisition to list items to the forums for you (listing items manually is not viable).

Mercury trade or an equivalent program to sort your incoming and outgoing purchases, easy invites, kicking, and trading, and built in messaging (1 minute finishing a map, no thanks).

Poe trade macro or an equivalent, set a button on your mouse (or keyboard) to search for a price list of the items currently posted (keep in mind player can and WILL abuse this by listing items at a low price and not selling them).

A keyboard (or mouse macro) that will alt-tab, enter, ctrl-v, enter.

This is not against poe terms of service because it is one input for one server/client action. It is similar to the mercury trade “hideout, trade, invite, kick, and message functionality”.


Ruthless trading

·  Don’t scam people, but take advantage of them :)

          ·  (Swapping 5L when selling a 6L = BAD --- Buying an item worth 50c for 40c = good)

·  Have (or poe trade website depending on which updates faster) live searching for items you need, or want to snipe for a lower price

          ·  Devoto's is selling for 50c, you create a live search for Devoto's posted at 40c or lower

                    ·  Be mindful of items with valuable rolls 

                              ·  (Bones of Ullr) movement speed may sell for 4c low roll and 10c+ high roll, snipe low rolls


Spamming players will be necessary (not the same player multiple times, but many people). You may only intend to buy one item, but will whisper multiple players and may have many players inviting you. Its ok to feel bad, but understand this may be necessary in your goal of making more money. I find the first few players don’t respond right away and I will whisper in batches of 2. Other players will be doing this as well, so you need to invite them, with mercury trade and then press your 1 MINUTE PLEASE IN A MAP button. If it is a high price item, i will leave mid map to sell because they map accept another invite and buy it from someone else before I leave


Ruthless cont.

·  Spamming players (not the same player) will be necessary since more often, the first few will not respond and time spent waiting is time NOT mapping. 

          ·  You want a map and whisper the first 2-3 players, waiting 10-15 seconds for an invite. Then you whisper the next 3 etc until you get an invite.

                    ·  Other players know and do this, that’s why the instant invite button and 1 MINUTE MAPPING button on mercury trade are so valuable. 

·  Update map prices every hour or so

          ·  Remember to keep “hidden maps” higher priced (I would take them out of the map tab and put in another)

As people obtain extra watchstones, they will want to complete those “hidden” maps for extra atlas bonus so you may want to price these in a separate tab from your map tab.


·  At the end of every map you should pick up whatever rares you can from the boss quickly (always pick up jewelry from mob drops for chaos recipe) 

          ·  ID rares if you're in dire need of resists/life/30% movement speed on boots. Otherwise CR for 2c each

                    ·  DUMP ALL EXTRA RARES/UNIQUES into your tabs (next slide)

                              ·  Remember to vendor uniques if you need alchs or can’t get them for cheap

                                        ·  Unique rings will go for 1c+ no matter what

                              ·  You may be whispered for a rare/unique you feel is more valuable. If you don’t get more than one whisper, it most likely is not as valuable as you think, and should sell it before it rots in your tab.

                                        ·  If you receive more than 1 whisper especially if you receive 3+, you have underpriced it and may reprice, or ask the buyers to pay more. 

                                                  ·  You can use the poe trade macro to rudimentary search for the price of rares (and jewels)

·  If you don’t mind the chaos recipe, it can be extremely helpful in getting chaos in a pinch.


If you have many premium tabs, or normal tabs setup through acquisition, you should fill your inventory with rares at the end of every map. If your looking for upgrades I would ID these rares, especially boots if you need 30% MS still, and dump them all into listed tabs at a price of 3-5c. I would sort them in (rings+amulets+belts, boots, weapons, body, gloves, helm) so that you can easily chaos recipe them if they do not get sold. 

If you are no longer looking for basic rare upgrades (red capped, decent life, with 30% ms boots), or are in desperate need of Chaos orb, leave the rares unidentified and they will vendor for 2c/set.

IMPORTANT: especially with rare dumping, you will not have time to sort each rare and unique into a price, you will DUMP them into a tab if they are not an upgrade for yourself. You may get a whisper for a rare or unique, and it may be listed a bit lower than what you could have got. THAT’S OK, MAYBE getting an extra 1-2 chaos is not worth the risk of not having your crappy rare or unique sold because it will sit in your stash and be worthless tomorrow. BUT If you receive more than 1 whisper for an item, and especially if you receive 3+, you have underpriced it enough were it may warrant a repricing, or asking the buyers if they will pay more since you have multiple people wanting it. You can use the poe trade macro to rudimental search for the price of rares (and jewels).


Set your tabs up

·  If you have many premium tabs

          ·  Set a default price (2-5c) for all items put in them

                    ·  Once one tab fills up you can lower the price on it until items sell

                              ·  Keep tabs cycling down in price

·  If you have many normal tabs

          ·  Use acquisition to set a default price (2-5c) for all items put in them

                    ·  Once one tab fills up you can lower the price on it until items sell

                              ·  Keep tabs cycling down in price as more get filled

·  If you have the default 4 tabs

Currency trading

·  Can be a great money maker BUT…

          ·  Low volume high frequency trading is tedious and will take progress away from your character, and atlas.

          ·  I recommend, if you have some extra PoE currency, to buy alches, chisels, fusing, jewelers, vaals while they are cheap.

                    ·  You can resell for 3x returns, or use them for even more returns

·  Before getting off for the night, try to buy as many Exalt orb as you can, the prices always rise significantly.

          ·  (I don't expect this to change unless they newer exalts are dropping extremely often).


Bulk currency trading

- If you have a large amount of exalts 3+, or chaos orbs, you can flip them by having bulk buy and sell orders. 

                    - 3 exalts selling for 300c, 3 exalts buying for 297c. Selling 50c, 500 chromes. Buying 45c for 450 chromes.

          - Keep an eye on changing prices and be mindful of when your buy/sell orders are slowing/picking up pace. 

                    - If you want to be very safe only take buy and sell orders at the same time.


B-B-B-BONUS Material

·  You should be using and checking this website for what items and builds are meta


·  If you want to have boss profits updating regularly here is a sheet made by someone else (sorry if you made this, i just can’t remember where I found it like a year ago) It's a bit broken atm so fixing would be a neat exercise in figuring out how to manipulate the cells


          ·  There is api data for all items in temp softcore leagues

                    ·  It's easy to figure out exactly how each cell obtains the numbers it has by clicking the cells :)

                              ·  *hint* you can extract prophecy prices for example to see which prophecy items are profitable to upgrade if you buy the base and prophecy



·  In maps filter low currencies, pick up high currencies

·  Progress atlas, make sure to have maps ready to run to get “leveled up” map drops

·  High red maps will make you the most money (bosses, bases, support gems plus)

·  Uniques will have insane value on start, because nobody else has them yet

· / path of exile trading website / acquisition  / Mercury trade / Poe trade macro /


·  Set up live searches to take advantage of players mistaken prices

·  DUMP rares/uniques into a 5c tab, reduce price when full, repeat. Chaos recipe

·  Only currency trade in bulk. Buy alches, chisels, vaal, fus, jew, day 1 CHEAP


If you learned something new today, then give this video a like and share it with a friend. Please keep checking back for more PoE guides and news on MmoGah.


4 Ways to Turn Lower Tier PoE Currency into Exalts and Chaos Orbs

