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OSRS: 1-99 Smithing Guide

作者: Michel Z

This 1-99 Smithing guide is teaching you some good methods on Smithing training no matter what Smithing level you are at or what level you are trying to train to. This guide contains the fastest methods and some alternative methods for 99 Smithing in RuneScape 2007. We are going to start with some quests that can be done for Smithing XP which can make a huge difference at your early levels. At last, I will discuss some money making methods and how you can profit on your way to 99.

Please click TheEdB0ys’s video for more details on how to reach level 99 Smithing in OSRS, and all the content of this guide is quoted from his video:






- The Knight's Sword

You can start Smithing training by doing The Knight's Sword quest. If your Smithing level is 1, you will have it levelled up to 29 after this quest. 


- Elemental Workshop I 

- Elemental Workshop II


Some other quests that don’t have requirements are Elemental Workshop I and II, You need level 30 Smithing for the second Workshop, but you’ll have higher than that if you did The Knight's Sword and Elemental Workshop I.


- The Giant Dwarf

- Pirate Pete subquest of Recipe for Disaster 


These two quests also have low requirements and give some good XP. But it is strongly recommended to do The Knight's Sword quest to get your Smithing training started.



1-99 Smithing Guide


Even though I highly recommend you to do The Knight's Sword, for those who refuse to do any quest, I will start the leveling guide from level 1.


Levels 1-15: Bronze items

- 193 Bronze bars needed


From level 1 to level 15, you’ll want to make Bronze bars, Bronze weapons, and Bronze Armor. For anvil smithing, the best anvil to use is just south of the west Varrock bank.



Each bronze bar is worth the same amount of XP no matter what you make, and this goes for every bar in the game you can smith, so you’ll want to make as the highest level item as you can.


Levels 15-30: Iron Items

- 439 bars needed

- Only 26 Iron bars needed after The Knight's Sword


From level 15 to level 30, you are going to make Iron items instead of Bronze items. If you are already level 29 from The Knight's Sword, you’ll only be here for a minute, but both Bronze and Iron bars sections shouldn’t take you very long.



Levels 30-40: Steel Bars

- Up to 70K XP/H

- 1,364 Steel bars needed (1 Coal and 1 Iron per bar)


From level 30 to level 40, you are going to smelt Steel bars at the Blast furnace. The Blast furnace is home for most people trying to get level 99 Smithing. If you don’t know how to use the Blast furnace, there is a Blast furnace guide which teaches you how to make as many bars per hour as you can.


If you want to get good XP rates at the Blast furnace, you should get yourself some Ice gloves which can be obtained by killing the Ice queen who lives in the White Wolf Mountain, and she is not very difficult to fight.


I also highly suggest unlocking the Coal bag from the Motherlode Mine. It takes a little bit to get the Coal bag, but using the Coal bag is going to double your rates here.


Levels 40-99: Gold Bars

- Up to 300-400K XP/H

- 231,268 bars needed


From level 40 to level 99, if you want to get the cape as fast as possible, you should be making Gold bars at the Blast furnace. Making Gold bars here gives the fastest Smithing XP in the game because at the Blast furnace, the XP you could get by making OSRS gold bars per hour can be 300-400K.


There is a method that you can 1tick the dispenser and get up to 400K XP/H. But you can bring the Goldsmith gauntlets which are rewards from Family Crest quest, and using the gauntlets on Gold bars, you can still get up to 300K XP/H. The downside of making Gold bars for 99 Smithing is that it costs you a lot of OSRS coins.


Alternate Methods


If you are not a fan of the Blast furnace, there are other ways to get Smithing XP.


Adamant platebodies

- 88 Smithing

- Up to 200K XP/H

- 640 Platebodies/H


Adamant platebodies are great methods since Rune platebodies are very pricey and requires level 99 Smithing to make.


If you don’t have level 88 Smithing for making Adamant platebodies, you can make lower tier platebodies for less XP per hour.


Platebodies will still cost you some RS money. In fact, the lower tier platebodies tend to cost you more OSRS gp per XP until you get to Adamant which is cheaper than making Gold bars.


They are also a little more AFK than the Blast furnace methods, but not very AFK overall. Making Adamant platebodies is a good alternative, but it is slower for level 99.


Dart Tips

- 10.5K-11K darts/H

- Adamant dart tips: Up to 70K XP/H


Making Dart tips is a lot more AFK and also starts transitioning towards the side of money making.


Smithing Dart tips is very AFK since you smith 1 bar at a time as opposed to 5 bars at a time from platebodies. This gives slower XP but doesn’t cost you much OSRS gold.


1 bar can be smithed into 10 dart tips, and dart tips are used a lot for Fletching XP, especially the Adamant darts, there is a large demand for those tips, so it won’t be difficult to sell them back.


Profitable Methods

If you are looking to make a lot of OSRS gp from Smithing, you should use the Blast furnace methods. At the Blast furnace, Rune bars give +1M gp/H. Even Steel bars give +500K gp/H, and you can start making them very early in your account. Mithril bars and Adamant bars are also profitable, but they give less gp than the Rune bars do.


If you are looking for more information on making bars at the Blast furnace, there is a Blast furnace guide which teaches you how to make as many bars as you can and what your profit or XP per hour would be.


That is how to reach level 99 Smithing in OSRS. For more RuneScape money making guides, be sure to head over to the RS news page on MmoGah. There is a Zulrah guide 2019 for you to kill one of the most profitable bosses in OSRS as well as an updated 1-99/120 Crafting guide for RuneScape 3 players to earn some RS3 gold while training the Crafting skill.


There are also RuneScape accounts for sale on the MmoGah. Should you need to buy RuneScape accounts for PKing or Bossing in Old School RuneScape, it will be a good idea to buy one from MmoGah because we are ranked as one of the best RuneScape account sellers on Google.




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