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RS3 Firemaking Week & PvM Revitalisation

作者: John Ryan

Greetings! Have you been looking forward to the Firemaking update for a long time? Are you pretty anxious about it from day and night? Now, let us MmoGah official website relieve your anxiety and meet your curiosity! The firemaking update is here! All things are as follows:





1. Incense Burners 

2. Fire Spirit Improvements

3. New Slayer Resource Dungeon 

4. Nex: Angel of Death Changes and Fixes 

5. Other PvM Fixes 

6. Patch Notes 

7. Bafta Game Awards 

8. Winter Sweepstake Winner 

9. LootScape 

10. Livestreams this week 

11. Pink Skirt Events 


It both has the usual selection of changes, fixes and a brand new slayer resource dungeon. Well, if you have any doubt or confusion about the updates or this game, you can contact our online reps who can provide you 24 - hour service, making you enjoy yourself in game at utmost. Of course, there are a variety of items and accounts on the website, including RS3 gold, OSRS gold, OSRS Fire Cape, OSRS Accounts, and RuneScape News. With them, you can have a better game experience.  


Incense Burners 

We’ve acknowledged sometimes that Firemaking isn’t as amazing as the other skills, and the important aspect of the problem is that it isn’t feel worthwhile. That’s the reason why the biggest part of the new Firemaking update is the addition of incense burners. Incense sticks are used to fill the incense burners. When lit, they engender numerous effects for 10 minutes. By lighting more, these effects can be extended up to 60 minutes. Every kind of incense has a different buff that increases in potency every 10 minutes from level 1 to 4. Overloading the incense burner expend 6 sticks but immediately supplies the maximum potential. To start with, you can simply light one type of incense one time. This limit is extended to two types at Lv71 Firemaking and three types at lv95. When you are below the required level to do so, if you light a second type of incense, the original burner effect will be overwritten by the new one. Well, do you have some opinions about making an incense stick? Please follow these three easy steps below. First, you must chop some logs into sticks. What’s more, you will need to add either accursed, impious, or infernal ashes. Finally, add the required herbs. Now, you can be ready to try out incense burning. The following is the list of the new sticks and their effects:

· Guam: 10% probability per potency to get additional logs from normal trees.

· Tarromin: 25% chance per potency to generate ashes in your bank when lighting a new fire. 

· Marrentill: 12.5% poison damage reduction per potency. 

· Harralander: 25% increase to run energy restore rate per potency. 

· Ranarr: +1 Prayer bonus per potency. 

· Toadflax: +12.5% chance per potency to avoid failing an Agility obstacle.

· Spirit weed: +10% summoning spell points recovery (natural and by potions etc.) per potency.

· Irit: 25% poison damage reduction per potency. Is multiplicative, rather than additive, with marrentill, so they will stack but 50% of marrentill and 50% of irit won’t offer 100% reduction. 

· Wergali: 0.5% chance per potency to produce a strung bow when fletching logs into unstrung bows. 

· Avantoe: 5% per potency to automatically bait Hunter traps. 

· Kwuarm: +2.5% weapon poison damage per potency. 

· Bloodweed: 2.5% chance per potency to get double logs when cutting bloodwood trees. 

· Snapdragon: +50% stat restore rate per potency. 

· Cadantine: 2.5% per potency to not exhaust a resource (trees). 

· Lantadyme: +30 seconds on potion timers per potency. 

· Dwarf weed: 2% per potency to bank dropped or gathered items. 

· Torstol: +0.5% base XP gain per potency. 

· Fellstalk: +1% spawn chance to elite NPCs per potency.

Fire Spirits Improvements


Incense Burners aren’t the only improvements that the official website is making to Firemaking. It is making a few QoL changes to fire spirits, too. At present, an audio queue will play when a fire spirit spawns. 

Fire spirits will now display a timer counting down to when they’ll regenerate.They’ll be placed in your inventory as soon as they catch a fire spirit. 

The next few logs cut will give additional firemaking XP, when they are caught. The firemaking and divination XP will be offered by divine fire. 

Now fire spirits will elaborate which log they are from. Higher tier logs produce better rewards.The loot table has added the Clue Scrolls. 


New Slayer Resource Dungeon


The official website said that it usually knew the Slayer Tower was a little rickety, but it never wished to find a fully reserved dungeon in the foundations! The new resource dungeon requires 100 dungeoneering to enter and characterize 4 chambers filled with abyssal demons and dark beasts. You’ll only be able to use cannons on the dark beasts to keep things fair. Don’t be frustrated at walking around the way to Morytania. Cheer up - the Dungeoneering Achievement Cape, abyssal demon masks and dark beast masks all include a teleport to the new dungeon. 


Nex: Angel of Death Changes and Fixes  


The official said that it is the time for it to give some bonus to the favorite Zarosian general, so this update is bringing some more essential updates to the Nex: AoD boss fight. Kill timers will now be wiped on login. Kill timers will only be traced with 7 people or fewer. When the mage minions die, they will shout and a message will appear in chat to show the order they died in. Nex is now attackable whilst she is phasing, which lets gamers to build adrenaline and keep successful combat.  During phasing, damage is reduced by 99%. The health of the icicle slam icicle has been reduced from 100k to 20k. Icicle bleed is now used after 6 seconds of being under the icicle. When entering the instance, players will be placed in the room rather than on the ledge. If the fight has started, players will still be placed to spectate on the ledge. The flowing energy has added a ‘leave’ option. Nex can generate many shadow orbs in the same location, which means they can stack and will do more damage per tick the longer you wait there. The ice closing in around the edges of the arena in phase 1 has been cleared, which was causing primary FPS drops when spawning in. The fog has been reduced, too. The banners the mages use will also be unlocked when unlocking the outfit. If players already have the outfit, a login has been added to give them the banner. At the end of the fight, the pillar has added a quick exit option. Movement abilities will be started when the icicle is killed or removed, permitting players to get back into the fight. Today, every player can roll on a unique rather than 1 unique per kill. Nex won’t cleave with her Melee hit any more. If Nex attacks with magic, she will hit the major tank after 3 cycles, letting them time response and switch prayer. Nex should not reaggro after any of her attacks or phasing any longer. If a player dies, Nex will no longer reaggro on another player (unless it is the tank that died.) Players aren’t punished for killing Nex with less than 7 players with regard to drop rate. Drop rate PP will be 142 player count in the room. The off tank drop roll has been removed and a DPS roll replace it. 


Other PvM Fixes 


Legendary pets’ scavenge ability now chooses the most expensive item from a pile of loot rather than a random one. Dungeoneering boss Stomp is now instakilled when placing the final set of crystals, rather than waiting for the present phase to end. The Ricochet ranged ability now aims at secondary opponents ranging from 4 to 6. 6th age circuit now teleports to Tormented Demons. Remora’s necklace is now unrestricted. Now groups may enter Liberation of Mazcab in practice mode for initial NPC herd, Beastmaster Durzag, Yakamaru or Yakamaru mirage phase. 


Patch Notes  


Hot air balloons now travel with a charge system. Higher tier logs are worth of more charges and up to 4000 charges can be reserved by giving logs to the balloons assistants. Now that you’ve got more fuel there, balloon travel doesn’t have an inventory weight limit. There is a new camera type - “Freedom”, allowing for more extreme camera angles and zoom levels. As always, if you’re pleasant with lifting the curtain and finding out more about this week’s update, you can see the documentation for the latest update here


Bafta Game Awards 


Pokemon Go is similar to a cultural phenomenon. Fortnite is similar to another cultural phenomenon. Roblox? The children like it. Clash Royale? Mobile royalty. Brawl Stars? The official can’t stop playing! So as much as it like to emerge its friendly rivalry with Old School RuneScape, it shall immediately take off its hats to its retrograde colleagues in recognition of Old School RuneScape Mobile being nominated to compete against the above - mentioned titles in the EE Mobile Game of The Year gong at the 2019 BAFTA Game Awards. It’s the only prize decided by public vote and if you like, you can give OSRS Mobile a nomination. Voting closes on March 29th and is only open to UK residents. If there is nothing else, well, the official thinks it would be interesting for an 18-year-old game to win a prize against such an incredible - and modern - competition. 


Winter Sweepstake Winner 


Remember the Sweepstake that gave you an opportunity to win a Chillblast Gaming PC & 6 months of RuneScape membership. Well, it’s time to tell the lucky Scaper is...  Ranger Hewki - Congratulations! The official will contact you instantly through your in-game inbox and the email address you used to enter the competition. You’ll have seven days to claim your award by replying to any one among these messages. If it’s not claimed within this time, the chance will be given another winner. The official would like to show its thanks to each and everyone of you who took part in this activity. If your name isn’t nominated, don’t be upset, it has got many other surprises on the way this year. Meanwhile, don’t forget that each week, it offers 3 Bonds to one of you who participates in its #FreeStuffFriday competition on Twitter. Hence, since the official guss you wouldn’t reject some sweet Bonds, be sure to follow it on @RuneScape




The live streams are always a good chance to get some wonderful in-game awards. Each and every stream watched will provide you a guaranteed random drop from one of the following: the related contents in detail can be found in the article - RuneScape 3: Spellbook Swap & Fixes


Live Stream This Week 


The official hosts developer Q&As, exclusive in-game first looks and more. And it’s all live on the official website Twitch channel. Come on to join it please! Don’t be worry about missing a stream! It keeps them all on its YouTube channel. Do you want to be the first to know? Be sure to Subscribe in time! Sunday, March 31st – 18:00 UTC (Game Time) – PvM with Mod Lee: Helwyr Boss Mass The official resident PvM expert Mod Lee doesn’t fear he has prepared to take you all on another circle of boss mass this Sunday. From Vorgao to the Kalphite King, the Corporeal Beast, the Angel of Death, if you’ve got a set to finish, an achievement to unlock, or only would like to wander about with friends and slay some, this is the place and time! LootScape will be enabled (see all specific contents above). 


Pink skirts Events


For more relative contents about this part, you can click on here.


