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The Battle of Odessen-The Climactic Chapter in SWTOR-KotFE

作者: John Ryan

The last and climactic chapter in KotFE-The Battle of Odessen is finally coming on August 11 instead of the original July 28. Bioware and Lucasfilm have announced details of the new chapter: in The Battle of Odessen, Arcann launches an all-out assault against the Outlander’s base. Still recovering from a shattering betrayal of the now-renegade droid, SCORPIO, the Outlander’s Alliance must rally to defeat Arcann’s forces in a desperate battle to determine the fate of the galaxy once and for all. Play and be a part of the concluding chapter as you fight your way to Knights of the Eternal Throne, the new digital expansion coming this fall!

Early Access to The Battle of Odessen will be available for qualified Star Wars: The Old Republic subscribers on August 9 and to all active Star Wars: The Old Republic subscribers starting August 11. As a Subscriber, players can play KotFE from the beginning of Chapter 1 through the final chapter The Battle of Odessen for free.


As the last chapter of KotFE, it’s no doubt that all swtor fans want to know how it ends and leads into the new expansion. Here is an intensely relevant discussion of the new chapter, you can click it to know more. If the ending is wonderful, Mmogah is sure that swtor gold will be largely needed and then SWTOR will be hot like before.


In addition, all summer long, players can join the Dark vs Light Event to complete exciting challenges, earn epic new rewards, and make dark or light side choices that ultimately impact the fate of the galaxy - and for those who complete the Eternal Level, you will earn a unique dark or light side companion to join you in your future battles! Which side do you like, join one and enjoy the challenges to see who will be the final champion.


This year is the fifth year of SWTOR, and the official will release the totally new expansion-Knights of the Eternal Throne. New expansion, new contents, new challenges, so cool! Mmogah will show you the current swtor news, please follow us!
