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The Reviews of Guild Wars 2

作者: Cathy Deng

Guild Wars 2 is a living online world where adventures await around every corner. Create a free account today and join the story. Because GW2 becomes more and more popular,the elite gamers have shared their own unique opinions and went on hot discussions about Guild Wars 2. In this article, Mmogah will sort out the reviews and share them in the following parts.

Great Expansion and a Promising Sign of Things

Gamers do like Guild Wars 2. According to the game, some players spent more than 700 hours playing it. That's a long time. A whole habit could gestate in that period. Despite that, a part of gamers hadn't played much over the last few months—their interest waning due to the lack of new content updates led up to this expansion. Heart of Thorns has, for the most part, rectified that. In brief, it makes Guild Wars 2 exciting and relevant again.



The Entertainment of Roles

Most of the gamers who play a Thief are glad. They think the Thief whose specialization is Daredevil. They can still utilize stealth, but the focus is now on endurance—so much so that they have gained a third consecutive dodge roll. They can also customize their dodge to apply a series of crippling conditions, or grant a selection of handy buffs. They have been playing a glass cannon DPS build since the game launched, and so increased evasion is relevant to their interests. It's all extremely gratifying.



Negative Evaluation

One drawback of this system is, though the social experience and spectacle of the bigger event chains can be exhilarating, the gameplay doesn’t really match up. After running an event multiple times and learning the story and its mechanics, the initial sense of wonder melts away, and most are left doing the same old dull skill rotations over and over. Often such a big crowd gathers at an event that it’s easy to get lost in the fireworks of spell effects and slashing of giant weapons, making it difficult to tell what effect you’re really having in the overall battle. As social storytelling devices the events are brilliant, but in making the experience accessible to all, sophisticated gameplay is sacrificed.


Guild Wars 2 has incredible visuals that generates a powerful sense of adventure. And it is a staggering triumph of original world design, one that even without the generous rewards would be worth exploring simply to gawk at the sights. So if you like playing computer games, do not hesitate to play it!

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