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WoW WotLK Phase 3 Preparation and Investments

作者: Hasi

Developers release new expansions for Wrath of the Lich King every once in a while, and players have to keep themselves ready for those expansions. For this purpose, players have to invest in the right materials and items. Phase 3 of Wrath of the Lich King is coming up with a lot of new content. This includes the latest trail of the crusader, the latest patterns for crafted gears, new epic jumps, etc.


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Depending on these new updates, the first thing players would invest in are items related to these updates, but this is totally wrong. You can learn from the example of the eternal shadow from phase 2. During the previous phase, most players invested in eternal shadow, titan steel bar, ebon weave, arctic fur, moon shroud, etc., because they are required for crafting items. These items were quite expensive, so players spent a lot of WotLK Classic gold on them. 


In order to enjoy the phase 3 of WotLK, you should start by investing in items that are low in demand and high in supply. For this purpose, doing some research will mean more profit. By following this preparation and investment guide for the phase of Wrath of the Lich King, players can make way more gold with no hard work.  


What is Phase 3?

WotLK releases a new phase, and it is time for phase 3. Like the previous phases in the series, this phase will feature three new events. Some other notable stuff that players will get in the phase 3 are mounts, weapons, and other items. This phase will start in the month of February, so buckle up and invest in preparing.


Below are all three events of this phase:

Trial of the Crusader Raid – It is a mini raid with a level eighty raid boss waiting for you in the end.  

Onyxia's Lair Raid

Argent Tournament World Event


Tips for Preparation and Investments

When phase 2 was released, players quickly started selling items that they had been stocking up, and this resulted in a market crash where the prices were very low. Everyone was reducing the price to sell their items quickly by following this method where you don't buy items before the phase is released. You can save a lot of gold and instead invest in items that are high in supply while no one is currently purchasing them.


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Purchasing items at the right time is the key to earning big profits in Wrath of the Lich king. There are two methods of making money by investing in items. One way is to purchase items when they are high in demand, while the second method is to purchase them when they are low in demand. In the second scenario, their prices will also be low, and you can hold on to them until their prices go up again.


Once the prices reach a good point, you can sell them at the auction house to make two or three times more gold. For the third phase, you should invest in crusader orbs and eternal life. Here is the list of items that you shouldn't invest in because they don't give you that much profit margin.


Eternal life

Eternal fire

Arctic fur

Titan steel bar

Ebon weave

Spell weave

Icy dragon scales

Moon shrouds


The prices of items like the eternal shadow and the eternal water are very high right now, so stay away from them as much as you can.


Items to Invest for Phase 3

Now that you have learned what is coming up in phase 3, it is time to finalize items that you are going to invest in to make money for phase 3. When phase 2 was released, the price of rune orbs was pretty high, and players needed six of these orbs to craft any item. In phase 3, you will have four to eight crusader orbs to craft any item you want.


The estimated value of these crusader orbs will be around two thousand gold coins or even low, depending on their demand and supply. The first item that you should invest in is transmuted, and here are more insights about them.


The cardinal ruby will be one of the most expensive transmute for the phase of Wrath of the Lich King. With it, you can transmute a scarlet ruby and an element of fire into the cardinal ruby. To make the most out of the transmutes in phase three, purchase as many green, blue, and yellow gems as you can.  


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Phase 3 Preparation

To prepare for the phase 3 content, you need to select the right tier of a character class. Below are more details about each tier and the best option for each tier. You can use WoW WotLK Boost to level up any class from this tier list.  



Frost Death Knight – It is the best option if you want to deal damage to a single target at a time. In most cases, they are at the top of the list thanks to their extreme power.


Unholy Death Knight – The damage of all the auto-attacks is boosted up thanks to the armor penetration. They can deal better single-target damage compared to any other hero.


Fire Mage – The damage that the fire mage can deal to a single target is unmatched. You can deal damage to multiple targets at the same time with the living bomb ability. The most amount of damage is dealt with with the help of the heat streak ability.  


Marksmanship Hunter – They can penetrate even some of the strongest gears in the game. To deal damage to a single target, hunters use burst damage. Their cleave ability is called the multi-shot, which isn't that good, but other damage-dealing attribute makes up for it.



Arcane Mage – Fights in phase 3 aren't that long, so heroes can deal damage to a single target. Compared to the arcane mage, only heroes from the S-tier can perform better than him, while all the other heroes are below him.


Combat Rogue – Combat rogue features a pretty good area of effect damage along with single-target damage, and it is the same as the previous phase. Only the less cleave damage that he provides added him to the A-tier. He is the ultimate god of DPS when it comes to dealing damage to multiple targets, thanks to the fan of knives skill.


Fury Warrior – The cleave damage that fury warrior offers to make up for the low single-target damage, and this is why he made it to the tier list for phase 3. With a two-handed weapon and fury, most raids are easy for the Warrior.


Feral Druid – In the previous phase, the druid was in the S-tier, but he is downgraded to A-tier now. You can hit only two or three enemies with the swipe skill, which isn't that great. You can still do wonders with a feral druid in the right conditions, but the phase 2 performance won't be achieved at all.


Assassination Rogue – The damage that a rogue can deal to a single target in phase 3 is pretty good. Compared to other DPS specs, such as a combat rogue, the armor penetration of an assassination rogue isn't that great.  


Survival Hunter – Both cleave and area of effect damage of the hunter is good. To deal with the area of effect damage, he uses the explosive shot skill. In terms of single-target damage-dealing abilities, the hunter will fall into the B-tier or even the C-tier due to his bad performance. Compared to the hunter, the MM is a better choice for phase 3.


Retribution Paladin – The armor penetration gear in the third phase is of no use to the retribution paladin due to their poor scaling. Due to the divine storm skill, the cleave damage of the paladin is very good. With this skill, you can deal damage to enemies who are wearing armor. They come with a good utility to make up for the average single-target damage.



Shadow Priest – Shadow priests don't offer good single-target damage-dealing abilities. When it comes to boss fights in the third phase, they can put up a pretty good show due to their strong utility.


Balance Druid – With the star fall ability and the Dot spells, druids can make up for their single-target damage. They can deal a lot of cleave damage to enemies. Although, they don't max out the DPS meter at all. 


Affliction Warlock – The damage that you can deal to enemies while the warlock class is equipped is pretty good, but you will surely pick other classes over it.


Demonology Warlock – The single-target damage of warlocks is boosted up, but the cleave damage is still below average, dropping the warlock to the lower B-tier. The area of effect damage, on the other hand, is average. You will only equip them if you want the demonic pact buff.


Enhancement Shaman – The damage of the enhancement shaman is pretty good, all thanks to the armor penetration. Shamans don't offer that much cleave damage making them the last option during the third phase. Only those who need the totem buffs will equip the enhancement shaman.


Elemental Shaman – Thanks to their chain lighting spell, elemental shamans make up this tier in the third phase, where cleave damage is much needed. Their single-target damage, on the other hand, is below average. Their utility is still pretty good.



Destruction Warlock – Due to the empowered imp talent of the destruction warlock, they can deal good damage. Affliction warlocks are still better than the destruction one because the shadow fury ability isn't required in this phase.


Arms Warrior – The arms warrior is a cleave spec which is what players need to deal with the content of the third phase. With the blade storm ability, you can deal good damage right from the start of the fight.

Beast Mastery Hunter – The single target of these hunters is still pretty good, but the cleave damage isn't useful.



Blood Death Knight – This knight is pretty powerful due to the hysteria skill. The tank version of knight is still better than this version for the third phase.


Subtlety Rogue – This specialization of rogue is for the player-vs-player battles only, but their damage is not up to the standards of this phase.


Frost Mage – Boss fights in the third phase are more like player-vs-player battles, so the frost mage isn't of much use here. So, going on the battlefield as a fire mage is better because you can burn a lot of monsters with him. Even after all the preparation, if you still need help, is here, as it provides gold and a boost for Classic WotLK.


Related Links:

Something You Should Know in WotLK Phase 3

How to Farm Gold in Wrath Classic Phase 3

WotLK Classic Phase 3 Best Classes and Gearing Guide
