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Cata Classic Phase 3 Best DPS Classes and How to Choose the Right One

作者: Shirley Huang

In Cataclysm Classic Phase 3, the DPS (damage per second) rankings are crucial for players aiming to maximize their performance in raids and dungeons. The tier list for DPS classes is based on various factors, including raw damage output, utility, and overall contribution to the raid. Here’s a detailed overview of the best DPS classes in Phase 3 of Cata Classic:

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1. Unholy Death Knight

Unholy Death Knights are at the top of the DPS charts due to their strong AoE (area of effect) damage and excellent single-target DPS. Their diseases and pets contribute significantly to their sustained damage, making them a top choice for many encounters.


2. Fire Mage

Fire Mages excel in both single-target and AoE situations. Their critical strike mechanics and powerful spells like Pyroblast and Combustion allow them to deal massive damage. Fire Mages also benefit from good mobility and utility spells, making them a versatile choice for making more WoW Cata gold while dealing massive damage with Pyroblast and Combustion.


3. Survival Hunter

Survival Hunters are known for their high burst damage and sustained DPS. Their traps and pet abilities add utility to the raid, and they perform exceptionally well in both single-target and multi-target scenarios.


4. Demonology Warlock

Demonology Warlocks bring strong AoE damage and excellent single-target DPS. Their demons provide additional damage and utility, and abilities like Metamorphosis enhance their overall performance.


5. Arms Warrior

Arms Warriors are favored for their high burst damage and strong sustained DPS. Their abilities, like Mortal Strike and Bladestorm, make them formidable in both PvE and PvP environments.

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1. Frost Death Knight

Frost Death Knights offer strong burst damage and good sustained DPS. Their dual-wielding capabilities and abilities, like and Strike, make them a solid choice for many encounters.


2. Retribution Paladin

Retribution Paladins provided good burst damage and sustained DPS. Their utility spells, such as Blessings and Auras, add significant value to the raid. Abilities like Templar’s Verdict and Divine Storm are key to their damage output.


3. Shadow Priest

Shadow Priests excel in sustained DPS and provide valuable utility through their healing and crowd control abilities. Their DoTs (damage over time) and spells like Mind Flay and Shadowfiend contribute to their high damage output.


4. Elemental Shaman

Elemental Shamans bring strong burst damage and good sustained DPS. Their totems and spells, like Lava Burst and Chain Lightning, make them versatile and valuable in both single-target and AoE situations.


5. Affliction Warlock

Affliction Warlocks are known for their strong DoT damage and sustained DPS. Their curses and spells, like Haunt and Unstable Affliction, make them a powerful choice for many encounters.

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1. Combat Rogue

Combat Rogues offered good burst damage and sustained DPS. Their abilities, like Sinister Strike and Blade Flurry, make them effective in both single-target and multi-target scenarios.


2. Feral Druid

Feral Druids provide strong burst damage and good sustained DPS. Their versatility in shifting between forms and abilities, like Shred and Rip, makes them a solid choice for many encounters.


3. Balance Druid

Balance Druids, or Boomkins, bring good burst damage and sustained DPS. Their spells like Starfire and Wrath, combined with their utility spells, make them valuable in raids.


4. Enhancement Shaman

Enhancement Shamans offer strong burst damage and good sustained DPS. Their melee abilities and spells, like Stormstrike and Lava Lash, make them effective in both single-target and AoE situations.


5. Beast Mastery Hunter

Beast Mastery Hunters provide good burst damage and sustained DPS. Their pets contribute significantly to their overall damage, and abilities like Kill Command and Bestial Wrath enhance their performance.



1. Arcane Mage

Arcane Mages offer strong burst damage but fall short in sustained DPS compared to other specs. Their mana management and spells like Arcane Blast and Arcane Missiles are key to their damage output, making them a popular choice for players using fast WoW Cataclysm Classic boosting service to maximize performance in short encounters.


2. Destruction Warlock

Destruction Warlocks provide good burst damage but lack the sustained DPS of other specs. Their spells like Chaos Bolt and Conflagrate are central to their damage rotation.


3. Subtlety Rogue

Subtlety Rogues offer strong burst damage but struggle with sustained DPS. Their abilities, like Shadow Dance and Backstab, make them effective in PvP but less so in PvE.

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1. Marksmanship Hunter

Marksmanship Hunters provide good burst damage but lack the sustained DPS of other specs. Their abilities, like Aimed Shot and Chimera Shot, are key to their damage output.


2. Frost Mage

Frost Mages offer good burst damage but fall short in sustained DPS. Their crowd control abilities and spells, like Frostbolt and Ice Lance, make them more suited for PvP.


3. Fury Warrior

Fury Warriors provide strong burst damage but struggle with sustained DPS. Their abilities, like Bloodthirst and Raging Blow, are central to their damage rotation.



Overall, the DPS rankings in Catac Classic Phase 3 are well-balanced, with many classes and specs being viable for raiding. While S-Tier classes dominate the charts, A-Tier and B-Tier classes also offer strong performance and utility. Players should choose a class that fits their playstyle and complements their raid composition.



Related Links:

Phase 3 Cataclysm Classic New Changes, Preparation and Investments Guide

Cata Classic Firelands Raid Guide: How to Defeat All Bosses and Prepare for It

