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WoW Cataclysm Classic News & Guides
- Cata Classic Tailoring Profession Overview and Leveling GuideThe Tailoring profession in WoW Cata Classic offers players the ability to craft a wide range of cloth armor, bags, and magical enhancements, making it a pivotal skill for cloth-wearing classes and those looking to maximize their utility and profitability in the game.作者: Shirley Huang
- WoW Cata Classic Professions Guide - Best Professions for PvE & PvPIn WoW: Cataclysm Classic, choosing the right profession can significantly enhance your gameplay experience, whether you're focused on earning Cataclysm Classic gold, crafting useful items, or enhancing your character's abilities. Here are some of the best professions to consider in Cataclysm Classic based on their utility, profitability, and overall impact on the game.作者: Shirley Huang
- WoW Cata Classic New Profession - Archaeology GuideGood News! Cata Classic's pre-patch will be released on April 30 and officially launch on May 20 worldwide. It brings back the original Cataclysm content with some changes, including the new level cap (level 85), new dungeons & raids, a new secondary profession - Archaeology, and so on.作者: Shirley Huang