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Conquer the Legends: Ultimate Guide to Molten Core & Onyxia's Lair in Classic 20th Anniversary

作者: Shirley Huang

WoW Classic 20th Anniversary phase 1 eagerly awaited raids - Molten Core and Onyxia's Lair will come on Dec 12, 2024. While Onyxia's Lair also provides valuable experiences and rewards, Molten Core's historical significance, challenging encounters, and valuable loot, including the chance to earn substantial amounts of WoW Classic 20th Anniversary gold, make it the cornerstone of early WoW Classic raiding.

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Molten Core

Molten Core is the first major raid introduced in WoW, setting the standard for all future raids.


The raid requires extensive coordination and strategy, with complex mechanics such as managing multiple adds, dispelling curses, and handling high damage output from bosses. The final encounter with Ragnaros is particularly challenging and memorable.



The epic atmosphere of battling through the fiery depths of Blackrock Mountain, combined with the iconic status of bosses like Ragnaros, creates an unforgettable raiding experience.


Location and Access

Molten Core is located within Blackrock Mountain. To access it, you need to complete the attunement quest, "Attunement to the Core," which involves retrieving a Core Fragment from the depths of Blackrock Depths. Once attuned, you can enter Molten Core by speaking to Lothos Riftwaker near the Blackrock Depths entrance.

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Bosses and Strategies

It features iconic bosses, including Ragnaros, the Firelord, whose defeat is a significant milestone for any raiding guild.

1. Lucifron: Focus on dispelling his curses and mind controls. Keep the ads away from the raid.

2. Magmadar: Use tranquilizing shots to manage his frenzy. Spread out to avoid his fear.

3. Gehennas: Dispel his curses quickly and avoid standing in the rain of fire.

4. Garr: Manage the adds by banishing or off-tanking them. Focus on Garr last.

5. Baron Geddon: Spread out to avoid his Living Bomb. Move away from the raid if you are targeted.

6. Shazzrah: Interrupt his arcane explosion and dispel his debuffs.

7. Sulfuron Harbinger: Kill the adds first, then focus on Sulfuron.

8. Golemagg the Incinerator: Keep the adds away from Golemagg and kill them last.

9. Majordomo Executus: Defeat his adds to force him to surrender.

10. Ragnaros: Avoid his knockback and manage the adds during the fight.



Molten Core offers some of the most powerful gear available in the early stages of WoW Classic, making it essential for player progression. Items like the Tier 1 armor sets and legendary weapons, such as Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros, are highly sought after.


Onyxia's Lair


Onyxia's multi-phase fight demands precise positioning and coordination. Players must avoid her devastating deep breath attack and manage waves of whelps, making it a test of both individual skill and group strategy.



The thrill of facing a legendary dragon in her Lair, coupled with the satisfaction of overcoming her challenging mechanics, makes Onyxia's Lair a standout raid.

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Location and Access

Onyxia's Lair is located in Dustwallow Marsh. To access it, you must complete the attunement questline, which culminates in obtaining the Drakefire Amulet. This amulet allows you to enter the Lair.


Boss Strategy

1. Phase 1: Position the raid to avoid her tail sweep and wing buffet. Melee DPS should focus on her sides.

2. Phase 2: Spread out to avoid her deep breath attack. Ranged DPS should focus on Onyxia while managing the whelps.

3. Phase 3: Dispel her fear and avoid the cracks on the ground. Continue DPS until she is defeated.



It offers some highly coveted loot. Defeating Onyxia can reward players with Tier 2 headpieces, such as the Helm of Wrath for Warriors and the Netherwind Crown for Mages. Additionally, players can obtain the Onyxia Hide Backpack, an 18-slot bag, and the Head of Onyxia, which starts a quest for a powerful item. Onyxia can also be skinned for Scale of Onyxia, which is used in crafting. These rewards make Onyxia's Lair a key raid for gearing up and progressing in the game. If you want to gear up quickly, using professional WoW Classic Fresh Boosting service can help you reach the required level to tackle this challenging raid.


I hope this guide helps you conquer Molten Core and Onyxia's Lair in the Classic 20th Anniversary adventure. Whether you're a new player or a veteran, you'll find useful strategies and tips here. Good luck, champions, and may your loot be plentiful and your adventures thrilling!
