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Phase 3 Thunderfury Guide: Your Path to Legendary Glory in WoW Anniversary

作者: Shirley Huang

Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, is one of the most iconic legendary weapons in WoW Classic Fresh. Known for its unique design and powerful abilities, Thunderfury is a tank's dream weapon, offering unparalleled utility in both PvE and PvP scenarios. Its ability to reduce the attack speed of enemies and deal with nature damage makes it a valuable asset for maintaining aggro and mitigating incoming damage.

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Features and Functions

Thunderfury is not just a weapon; it's a symbol of prestige and dedication. Its primary features include:

Nature Damage: Thunderfury deals additional nature damage to enemies, making it effective against foes resistant to physical damage.

Attack Speed Reduction: The weapon's proc reduces the attack speed of enemies, which is crucial for tanks to reduce incoming damage.

Threat Generation: The nature damage and attack speed reduction contribute to increased threat generation, making it easier for tanks to hold aggro.


How to Obtain Thunderfury

Acquiring Thunderfury is a challenging and time-consuming process that requires dedication, teamwork, and resources. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Obtain the Bindings of the Windseeker

These are two legendary quest items that drop from bosses in Molten Core:

Left Binding: Drops from Baron Geddon.

Right Binding: Drops from Garr. The drop rate for these bindings is extremely low, making them rare and valuable.


2. Complete the Questline

Once you have both bindings, you can start the questline to forge Thunderfury. The quest involves:

Collecting 10 Elementium Bars: These are crafted using Elementium Ore, which drops from Blackwing Technicians in Blackwing Lair (BWL). Smelting Elementium Bars requires a skilled blacksmith and additional materials. Players looking to speed up this process can opt for fast WoW 20th Anniversary boost service to save time.

Collecting 100 Arcanite Bars: Arcanite Bars are crafted by alchemists using a 2-day cooldown transmute. This makes them a bottleneck in the process.

Collecting 10 Enchanted Elementium Bars: These require Elementium Bars and additional materials, including Fiery Cores and Lava Cores from Molten Core.


3. Defeat Prince Thunderaan

After gathering all the materials, you summon and defeat Prince Thunderaan, the Windseeker, in Silithus. This is a challenging encounter that requires a well-coordinated raid group.

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4. Forge Thunderfury

Once Prince Thunderaan is defeated, you receive Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.


Earning Gold with Thunderfury

Thunderfury is not just a powerful weapon; it can also be a source of income in WoW Classic Fresh Phase 3. Here are some ways to capitalize on its value:

1. Crafting Materials

The demand for Elementium Ore, Arcanite Bars, and other materials required for Thunderfury is high. Players can farm these materials and sell them in the Auction House for a significant profit, making it a great way to earn WoW Anniversary gold.

2. Raid Services

Guilds and players often pay for assistance in farming the bindings or defeating Prince Thunderaan. Offering raid services can be a lucrative venture.


3. Enchanting and Consumables

Tanks wielding Thunderfury require specific enchants and consumables to maximize their effectiveness. Selling these items can be a steady source of income.


4. Prestige and Recruitment

Having Thunderfury can boost your reputation and make you a sought-after player for high-level guilds. This can lead to opportunities for lucrative raid participation and rewards.



Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, is more than just a weapon; it's a testament to the dedication and teamwork required to achieve greatness in WoW Classic Fresh. Whether you're a tank looking to dominate raids or a player seeking to profit from its creation, Thunderfury remains a legendary goal worth pursuing in Phase 3. With careful planning and collaboration, you can forge this iconic blade and leave your mark on Azeroth.

