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Best WoW Classic AddOns for Auction House, Leveling, Questing and Raiding

By Shirley Huang

Addons are an important part of wow classic’s gameplay, demonstrating the dedication and passion of the community to the game. Before you start playing, will list the best Addons for Auction House, Leveling, Questing, Raiding and PVP. Some of these addons are simple, and they are able to open all of your Mail with one button. Others will be DPS Counters that can track your groups DPS, Total Damage, Total Healing and many more metrics, which are helpful when you doing Dungeons or Raids. Some of the content of this article is quoted from this article.


Best AddOns for Auction House

These tools will help you with various activities, and you will find yourself doing within AH. You can browse the AH, find the best deals and spend less effort to post your own items, gear or stacks of materials for a competitive vanilla wow gold price. There is so much more you can do.

Auctioneer - Various Tools to improve your Auction House Buys/Sells.

Auctionator - Similar to the Auctioneer, but with different features. It can supply your everyday needs.

TradeSkillMaster 4 - Also known as TSM 4. The ultimate Auction House addon is powerful and complete, which can help players gather cheap materials from the AH and Gold Making activities.


Best AddOns for Leveling

Questie - Powerful quest helper. Adds many different Quests and quality of life improvements to the interface, making questing similar to retail.

MonkeyQuest - This addon will not only track your quests with its level ranges on the side of your screen, but also give you the quest text on mouseover.

ClassicCodex - Another Powerful quest helper, an alternative to Questie.


You can combine Questie and MonkeyQuest, which can help you track available quests and objectives. They will direct you a certain path, and give you info on where to find the enemies you need. While you’re, you should check your map frequently. Without SimpleMap’s ability to make it smaller and go transparent when you’re walking, you’d probably get lost a lot.

The biggest challenge to wow classic power leveling is searching for where the quest objectives are, so if you want to hit the level cap fast, you’ll need one of these addons.

Alliance players can also pick up AllyRoute, which directs you down a specific leveling route to save you time. TourGuide is for everyone.


Best AddOns for Questing

Some of these quests can be confusing and downright difficult, so they are helpful for new players. The Mods will provide you additional information about the chains and quests, and make questing much easier, which will help the overall UI and make it more pleasing.


Best AddOns for Raiding

These addons can help you find and complete Raids, which include warning sounds and information. These mods are almost must-have for players who are serious about Raiding, and will be worth spending time to understand.

Deadly Boss Mods - Hands one of the Best Add-Ons for Dungeons and Raids in vanilla wow.

BigWigs Bossmods - Similar to Deadly Boss Mods and is an alternative to it.


You will know enemies’ attacks throughout the game’s dungeons and raids, such as Deadmines, Wailing Caverns and Scarlet Monastery.

When you finally kill a raid boss, there’s AtlasLoot Classic for the original game. You can get the loot that you grab from any given boss, or at least see what you missed.

Recount is available, so you can track your damage and healing done. Damage Meter Classic for everyone else.


Best AddOns for PVP

For the most time, AddOns can track cooldowns of enemy spells, knowing when an enemy can use certain key spells is a huge help. Others addons attempt to organize what you are going on and what you are seeing in a more effective way. If your allies are CC or need healing, Battlegrounds enemies, it will make easier to keep track them.


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Vanilla WoW Leveling Guide

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