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WoW Classic Fresh Leak, Rumors, and Future

作者: Shirley Huang

There was a leak that Fresh WoW Classic will be released on May 29th, including 1 PvE server, 3 PvP servers, 1 RP server, 1 RP-PvP server, and 1 Hardcore server.


Everybody is talking about it. Classic World of Warcraft is getting a brand new patch? According to recent data mining, WoW Classic Era will soon receive an update patch 1.15.


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Official hardcore servers may potentially come to Classic WoW (LvL60), and maybe that's patch 1.15, but maybe not. Other people said that patch 1.15 could be Season of Mastery 2. That's different compared to Season 1, and other people, likely in Desperate Cling to Hope, are praying that patch 1.15 is the long-anticipated beginning to Classic Plus. There are some new content: raids, dungeons, etc. I want to talk about these three theories and the future of the Classic World of Warcraft.



Hardcore is the most likely scenario. Blizzard is bringing it to Classic WoW, official dedicated hardcore servers. Over the past several months, hardcore WoW Classic has taken off like a rocket, bringing tons of players back to these previously near-dead realms to re-experience Old Azeroth.


Classic hardcore is everywhere. Tournaments have been held, raid events have been hosted, trolling has been endured, and the hardcore community has been an amazing thing to be a part of. There's already a hardcore scene on Classic WoW, complete with a dedicated community, the server where everybody gathers and plays a website.


Is It really prudent on Blizzard's part to make a hardcore realm, or a couple of them potentially splitting up this community?

Is it likely that this upcoming patch 1.15 for WoW Classic?

Is it possible that this is the addition of the hardcore servers that many people have been waiting for?


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These little counterpoints have led many people to say no. We're not going to see some classic hardcore servers introduced in 1.15. Maybe judging from that 10.1 data mining, we'll see some hardcore servers on Dragonflight, but not Classic, at least not. That's why many people believe that. We are about to get season 2.


Season of Mastery 2

Let me tell you a little story. Back then, people doubted whether or not a classic relaunch would be a success, but Blizzard decided to roll the dice. I bet they're very happy they did because Classic WoW's launch was incredibly successful. Still, the fact is that Blizzard knew they were ultimately going to continue into future expansions for this alternate version of playing WoW. Hence, an idea came into being called Season of Mastery. The basic overview of the idea was this.


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They will create a new version of Classic WoW, where everybody starts again at level 1, and some minor and major changes will be made to the overall game. Changes ranged from faster leveling speeds, more mining nodes, and even a complete rework of the world buff system.


If you want to know all the changes, Blizzard even implemented an Iron Man mode into Classic WoW Season of Mastery, something that many greatly appear to appreciate, but the Season of Mastery idea was a seasonal idea, so it was only last for one year, and the servers have already been shut down.


Some people have been sitting and waiting for the Season of Mastery 2, and perhaps some would say, this upcoming 1.15, it is Season of Mastery 2. It's coming and will bring even more changes to Classic WoW.


Sort of changes could be potential. More sets are put into Classic WoW, especially at lower levels and professional changes. The idea in the WoW Classic community is that patch 1.15 might be the beginning of a great storm that will engulf all of Classic WoW and change the game forever.


Classic Plus

This is Classic WoW, but with more classic images of the 2004 game, but with new zones, more quests, dungeons, updated professional gear, even new classes, and playable races. You might be surprised by this if you don't follow the news and trends in the WoW community, but recently there have been many private servers that have been taking off in popularity due to implementing the idea of Classic Plus.


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I'm sure Blizzard has not been ignoring this sudden boom in interest in this idea in regards to Classic. This is why some people are speculating that Blizzard is potentially going to give us the first taste of their own Classic Plus very soon, creating new servers entirely for us to play this version of World of Warcraft. I highly doubt Blizzard, even if they decided on this course of action, even if they were like Classic Plus. I highly doubt they have managed to master up the Manpower recently to be able to build an entirely new content creation team for WoW Classic.


Blizzard is having a hard enough time creating content and keeping Dragonflight interesting, so I don't think they can handle two MMO game developments at once, at least not right now. It is possible we could see Classic Plus in the future. If these private servers are banking on Classic Plus, it wouldn't surprise me at all; if they just continue to grow and leech players from the official game, Classic Plus would be a hugely popular idea. It would be incredibly successful. People want to play Classic Plus, but Blizzard probably does not have the means to deliver it right now.


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I'm a fan of Classic Plus myself, but I really don't think that 1.15 is Classic Plus. In my opinion, it is the Season of Mastery 2 or the hardcore servers. It's such a good time, to be a fan of Classic WoW, there's so much creativity in the community, and I'm excited for what's coming in patch 1.15.


The content is quoted from Nixxiom's video.


