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Darkmoon Faire: New Races and Content are Added on 6.2 PTR in World of Warcraft

作者: John Ryan

The Darkmoon Faire is back in town for a week, running from May 3 - 10. There are two new items and races available in wow patch 6.2PTR. The first one is Big Wanderluser, the other is Wanderluster.


l Big Wanderluster: using a Wanderluster, rewards a Darkmoon Gazer. This item is quite similar to Eye of Kilrogg and lets you scout out dangerous areas.

l Wanderluster: using a Wanderluster, rewards an Attraction Sign. This places down a blinking arrow, similar to the ones used as decorations around the Faire.

l Players can also complete Darkmoon Like the Wind on the Wanderluster for the first time. Stay aloft with the Wanderluster's Glider for more than 10 seconds.


Darkmoon Faire is updated with detailed info on how to get each game and quest done! We think both event guides complement each other nicely, focusing on different questions players have about the Faire. It covers all the basics that most people want to know. This guide will help loads of people understand and enjoy the Darkmoon Faire. Please follow this guide if you find it helpful.


Wowhead's Darkmoon Faire Guide:


The Darkmoon Faire is in town one week out of every month with heirlooms, spooky toys, battle pets, and transmog gear to acquire!

Highlights include:

l Replica canilla Wow dungeon armor for transmogrification

l Mounts, pets, and toys to purchase for your collections

l Quests for mini-games as well as professions

l A carousel that grants experience and reputation gains when you ride it!

l Vendors that sell heirlooms and heirloom upgrades.

l A mimigame that rewards fiery wings

l Bosses that drop battle pets!


In addition, the 6.2 PTR has new additions to the Darkmoon Faire up. Read on to learn about Hogs, Blorp's Bubble, and more!

l Table of Contents

l New Racing Vehicle: Wanderluster

l 6.2 PTR Additions

l Consumables

l Darkmoon Fishing

l Hogs

l Heirloom Trinket


For example the New Racing Vehicle: Wanderluster

The Wanderluster vehicle is available this month. It has the following abilities:

1.   Jump to Hazard: Jumps to a hazard and grants immunity to hazards for 4 sec.

2.   Lasso Powerup: Lock onto a distant powerup, then warp it to you.

3.   Danger Zone: Increases speed when attacked by a MiniZep. Lasts 12 sec.

Players  uploaded lots of videos and left racing tips in the comments. Here are two popular videos for the Real Race and Real Big Race using the Wanderluster:

To learn more about the other two vehicles and the terrain for the Real Race and Real Big Race, check out the Racing Section of our Darkmoon Faire Guide, as well as achievement  which include:

l Darkmoon Racer Roadhog

l Big Rocketeer

l Big Race Roadhog

l Rocketeer

l Big Wanderluster

l Wanderluster


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