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World of Warcraft Patch 7.1.5 (updated for Nighthold) Defensive Trinkets

作者: Leo Jiang

Currently not all trinkets in game work in the way you might expect them to in world of warcraft. I will omit the offensive benefits to trinkets. Firstly, it makes it a lot easier to compare them based purely on their defensive benefit without having to assign a ‘weight’ to how much damage they contribute versus how much damage they prevent. Moreover, in my experience in previous expansions, if I am comfortable with my damage taken such that I can pick trinkets based on how much damage they contribute, I prefer using a DPS trinket anyway, which will of course be significantly stronger for damage done.


Trinket Ranking Overview

Writhing Heart of Darkness is quite good compared to trinkets of a similar item level or lower on single target, though not great unless you have a decent amount of crit. Recall that ‘single target’ here does not mean the same as for Grotesque Statuette.


The second strongest trinket for Druids is Unstable Arcanocrystal compared to others at similar item level or lower, if you’re lucky enough to get it, or strongest where Grotesque Statuette loses out on value.


Compared to trinkets of similar item level or lower, when Grotesque Statuette is benefitting to its fullest, it’s the strongest trinket for survivability on average for Druids. Further, its bug with two tanks using it must be borne in mind. However, it must be remembered that when multiple things are hitting you, its value dramatically decreases, and generally should not be used if that section of the fight involves relevant damage.


Darkmoon Deck: Immortality and Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker 601 are good when the majority of the relevant damage is mitigateable by armour. They are not necessarily better than the above options, however. Where the above options get their full potential (such as when only one thing is hitting you for the Statuette; or when you have a reasonable amount of crit and there is only one relevant target for the Heart; or always for the Arcanocrystal), they will outperform it for Guardian Druids. If you do not have those trinkets, or if it is a situation where they won’t perform to their full potential, these trinkets will do very well against physical damage as your next best options. For non-Druids, these trinkets are easily the strongest by an extremely wide margin.


Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker 601

The more effective uptime you can get from this, the much stronger it is - if you can arrange that you’re mostly only tanking when it’s up, and not tanking when it isn’t, it becomes an exceptionally strong trinket for damage mitigateable by armour. However, like the Darkmoon Deck: Immortality, its value for Druids is reduced when at high ironfur stacks. This is pretty strong.


This is an item level 805 trinket from the Timewalking vendor in Shattrath, purchasable for 50 Timewarped Badges during the Burning Crusade Timewalking event. It is unparalleled for non-Druids, second only to Darkmoon Deck: Immortality for physical damage. It has a static 811 Strength/Agility, and an on-use buff of 1,471 bonus armour for 40 seconds, with a 2 minute cooldown.


Unstable Arcanocrystal

This is a trinket dropped by the world boss Withered J’im. It’s really, really good. Unfortunately, he’s a world boss, so you only get two chances per several months, including a bonus roll, to get it (well, four recently, because Blizzard messed up and we had J’im twice in a row). The combined benefit of each of the stats from this very high stat budget trinket makes it extremely powerful.


Valor Medal of the First War

This is similar to Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker 601, and is from Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking. It has half the duration, but twice as much armor for that period. With only a 17% uptime, this makes it not an extremely strong trinket for survivability generally. However, it’s a very powerful cooldown, stronger than an armor potion. This makes it outstandingly good when you either know that you won’t die to general damage but want a good backup option, or where you plan to use it at specific moments in the encounter beforehand.


Infernal Alchemist Stone

In general, though it is on average slightly more primary stat than a stat stick, a stat stick will usually be better due to its consistency, particularly if versatility is not your best stat. It also lets you receive more healing from health potions which is a nice but not overly significant benefit. This requires Alchemy to use, though it can be at level 1. This trinket is a versatility stat stick with a large strength/agility proc. The proc’s uptime is quite high, which makes the trinket pretty decent for tanks who benefit from attack power for survivability.


Coagulated Nightwell Residue

This is a mastery stat stick with a sizeable absorb on it. Don’t use it on cooldown, use it when the absorb is relevant to the damage you’re taking - this goes for all on-use trinkets, but more so for this one as you won’t get the full absorb amount at any given time if used on cooldown.


Talisman of the Cragshaper

This is a versatility stat stick with a small, almost always irrelevant, absorb. However, versatility is pretty good for most tanks anyway.


Horn of Valor

This trinket serves a very similar purpose to Infernal Alchemist Stone, though its Strength/Agility is on-use rather than a random proc, and it doesn’t require Alchemy to use.


Trinket Rankings: Paladin (defensive)

Note - Unbridled Fury is outstanding for helping you survive the Spears in phase 3 of Odyn. Use it just before you get hit by one, and it will cover that and the next one that you take as well.


A Tier

Grotesque Statuette (High ilvl, where you can get the full effect from it)

Valor Medal of the First War

Darkmoon Deck: Immortality

Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker 601


B Tier

Coagulated Nightwell Residue

Unstable Arcanocrystal

Majordomo’s Dinner Bell


C Tier

Shivermaw’s Jawbone (in dungeons)

Raven Eidolon

Infernal Alchemist Stone


D Tier

Stat sticks

Horn of Valor


E Tier

Gronntooth War Horn (compared to trinkets at ~850)

Goblet of Nightmarish Ichor

Parjesh’s Medallion

Talisman of the Cragshaper

Trinket Rankings: Warrior

Note - Unbridled Fury is outstanding for helping you survive the Spears in phase 3 of Odyn. Use it just before you get hit by one, and it will cover that and the next one that you take as well.


A Tier

Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker 601

Darkmoon Deck: Immortality

Valor Medal of the First War (if you have a plan on using it at specific points, or as a backup extra cooldown)


B Tier

Grotesque Statuette if and only if you can get full effect from it

Unstable Arcanocrystal

Shivermaw’s Jawbone (in dungeons)

Majordomo’s Dinner Bell (with mastery or versatility food)

Raven Eidolon


C Tier

Coagulated Nightwell Residue

Stat sticks

Animated Exoskeleton

Horn of Valor


D Tier

Infernal Alchemist Stone

Parjesh’s Medallion


E Tier

Goblet of Nightmarish Ichor (on low movement fights where you can maximise uptime by dodging blobs whilst the buff is already up)

Gronntooth War Horn (compared to trinkets at ~850)

Talisman of the Cragshaper

Writhing Heart of Darkness (only this effective against your primary target)


Trinket Rankings: Paladin (offensive)

A Tier

Memento (First Avenger)


Horn of Valor (Bastion of Light)

Stat Stick (Haste/Crit - high ilvl)

Emblem of Fury


B Tier

Faulty Countermeasure (ST)

Chaos Talisman (high ilvl)

Eye of Command


Horn of Valor


C Tier

Spontaneous Appendages

Nature's Call


D Tier

Gift of Radiance

Nightmare Egg Shell


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