
None of FFXIV Gil Buyers Gets Banned at Mmogah

بواسطة John Ryan
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Recently, a large number of accounts in FFXIV got banned for in-game RMT and illicit activities by SE. Almost there are thousands of accounts banned every week. Here are screenshots that show the situation about recent two weeks.

None of FFXIV Gil Buyers Gets Banned at Mmogah

None of FFXIV Gil Buyers Gets Banned at Mmogah



After reading them, more and more players may feel afraid of FFXIV Gil transaction. As the largest FFXIV Gil seller that Mmogah sells FFXIV Gil for 5 years since FFXIV Ver.1.0, we can honestly tell you that not every transaction is safe without risks, but none of FFXIV buyers gets banned at Mmogah.

Firstly, currency transaction is a common situation in all MMORPG not only for FFXIV. Then FFXIV is not the first MMO for SE, FFXI is online for 13 years, there are still a large number of sellers who have many customers. In fact, SE is irregularly keeping ban of FFXIV Gil farmers. It is safe for players, because SE almost never bans FFXIV Gil buyers unless they talked about it openly or the illegal sellers revealed the buyers’ account message.

If you buy FFXIV Gil at Mmogah, you don’t need to worry about this. Firstly, our accounts which deliver to our customers are with normal character names and Lv 50. We don’t look like FFXIV Gil sellers, just like normal players, so if you don’t tell others, anyone will not know. Then the staff at Mmogah are not only sellers, but also players. We can understand the importance of account security. Mmogah can promise that we never reveal the buyers account message to anyone else, and you will never receive any in-game spam after buying FFXIV Gil at Mmogah. These are why none of the FFXIV Gil buyers got banned at Mmogah.

4 FFXIV Gil secure delivery methods at Mmogah


Except the points above, we have 4 kinds of secure delivery methods, you can choose anyone you like.

l  Face-to-Face in-game. This is the safest method and we highly recommend it. Once logged in we whisper you in game, designate a place to meet or come where you are, and make the trade. We ask that you give us an item while trading please for appearances. This is what makes it so safe. In-game trades are unavoidable and this method is virtually impossible for SE to track.

l  Through the MB (Market Board). Note that with this method you will get 5% less due to MB taxes.

l  Through FC chest. We can deposit your FFXIV Gil to your FC chest.

l  Skip the Gil, Get the item you want. We buy items off the MB then trade the items instead FFXIV Gil. 

It is more necessary for FFXIV players to buy FFXIV Gil than the ones in other MMO. Different from others, there is almost no FFXIV Gil drop, and it is worthless if you sell materials and gears to vendors. For the most of the players, they don’t have enough time to farm FFXIV Gil, of course it is really boring. Actually you only need to take a few of dollars then you will get the FFXIV Gil which you may need to farm for weeks even months. It is an equal transaction.

In summary, buying FFXIV Gil instead of farming will help you enjoy the game. And FFXIV Gil buyers at Mmogah don’t get banned in the past, now and in the future.


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