ESO News & Guides
- Most Powerful Healer Sets in The Elder Scrolls OnlineYou'll find a role in The Elder Scrolls Online regardless of your playstyle. One of the most crucial roles of group content includes the healers. If you like to play as a healer and are looking for a healer set to use the next time you try out group content, you are at the right place. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the most powerful healer sets in ESO.
- Top 3 Mythic Items for New Players in ESO In The Elder Scrolls Online, Mythic items are one-piece gear only obtained via the Antiquities System. Every Mythic item provides unique effects to its wearers. Until April 2023, there are 23 Mythic items in the game. Which item is the most helpful for a new player that just hits CP 160? This guide gives three recommendations to help new players choose a Mythic item.
- All the New Gear Sets Released with ESO DLC: FiresongRecently, The Elder Scrolls Online released this year’s final story download content, Firesong DLC. The new content also contains brand-new gear and mythic items. In this post, we will tell you everything you need to know about the DLC and the various gear sets released with it.
- All ESO Mythic Items Ranked from Worst to Best 2022Until Update 35, there are 20 Mythic items in The Elder Scrolls Online, and they provide unique effects to their wearers. However, not every Mythic item is quite helpful. This post ranks all the Mythic items from the worst to the best so that you know which ones are worth farming and which are not.
- How to Get Oakensoul Ring in ESOOakensoul Ring is a new Mythic item added to The Elder Scrolls Online with the launch of the High Isle Chapter. The ring grants a significant number of powerful buffs, making it one of the most popular items in ESO. To know where to get the five Leads for the Oakensoul Ring, please read on.
- Best Armor Sets for Solo in ESOWelcome to Hack The Minotaur's top picks for the best solo armor sets in The Elder Scrolls Online. Attempting to solo world bosses, veteran solo arenas, and veteran group dungeons can be a major challenge, so having these sets will make a big difference whether you need better survival, damage, or sustain.
- Best Stamina DPS Sets for ESO – Blackwood 2021The Elder Scrolls Online offers a great variety of armor sets to choose from to fulfill your role and complete PvE or PvP content. But, not all sets are suitable for all roles or types of gameplay. In this guide, ArzyeL Gaming shows you the best Stamina DPS sets for PvE and PvP gameplay.