
RuneScape Guide: 1-99 Crafting Quick Guide

Por Michel Z
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Crafting is one of the most expensive skills in RuneScape 3. So in this 1-99 Crafting quick guide video, we have 2 methods. One is a slow but profitable method which earns you a lot of RuneScape Gold; The other one is a fast and expensive method. There is a cost analysis at the end, we will talk about the time efficiency of doing each method and why you might prioritize one over another.

Please click for more information about Youtuber Maikeru RS who made this guide, and all the content of this article is quoted from his video:




Section 1: Slow and Profitable Method


Levels 1-27


·Amount needed: 649

·Takes 30-40 minutes


You have to do this on a spinning wheel and the best place to spin them is the Lumbridge Castle.


Levels 27-34

Emerald rings

·Amount needed: 191

·Use a portable Forge

·Takes 15-20 minutes

You should do this on a portable forge, because it’s just next to the bank, and it speeds up the process.


Levels 34-56

Ruby Rings

·Amount needed: 2,341

·Use a portable forge

·Takes 2.5-3 hours

·Gives 50-60K XP/H



Levels 56-59

Diamond Necklaces

·Amount needed: 710

·Use a portable forge

·Takes 50-60 minutes

·Gives 60-80K XP/H




Levels 59-76

Decorated Mining Urns

·Amount needed: 10,417

·Use a portable crafter

·Takes 14-16 hours

·Gives 60-75K XP/H

·Profit: 2M RSGP/H


By doing these urns, you will get about 30M RS3 Gold to level 76 Crafting. Remember to always use a portable crafter.


Levels 76-99

Decorated Urns

Once you hit level 76, you can make some really good Decorated Urns. These Decorated Urns are as follows:

·Decorated Fishing Urns/Decorated Woodcutting Urns (76)

·Decorated Runecrafting Urns (77)

·Decorated Hunter Urns (79)

·Decorated Cooking Urns (81)

·Decorated Divination Urns (82)

·Decorated Farming Urns (84)


Obviously, the higher up you go, the more XP they are going to give. But that doesn’t mean they’re going to be better than other ones. They only give you a bit more XP, so you should always check which one makes you the most RS3 Gold.


For instance, if you buy one of every single of the urns, you’ll see which one you bought was the most expensive, and that is the one you’re going to make at that time. You should probably do this every single day just to make sure that you’re making the right things.


Overall, you are going to make 80-90K Urns for level 99, which should take you 120-135 hours.

You should be getting 75-110K XP/H depending on your boost and which urn you’re doing, and you’ll get 2-3M RSGP/H depending on how good the urn you are doing is at that current time.


This will take a while, but it’s definitely worth it if you are just doing it for some AFKing and some money.



Section 2: Fast but expensive method


Levels 1-20 Bowstrings 

·Amount needed: 298

·Takes 15-20 minutes

You can’t use a portable for this, so you need to go to the Lumbridge Castle or the Seers' Village.


Levels 20-27

Cutting Sapphires

·Amount needed: 96

·Use a portable crafter

·Takes 1-2 minutes

·Costs 70-80K RSGP


Cutting Gems is a super fast way of leveling, but it can be quite expensive, so there will be an alternative later on in this article. Remember to use a portable crafter to get 5% chance to save the Gem you are cutting, and for a 10% XP boost which will be calculated on every single one of these.


Levels 27-34

Cutting Emeralds

·Amount needed: 143

·Use a portable crafter

·Takes 2minutes

·Costs 120-130K RSGP


Levels 34-43

Cutting Rubies

·Amount needed: 323

·Use a portable crafter

·Takes 5 minutes

·Costs 450-475K GP


Levels 43-55

Cutting Diamonds

·Amount needed: 984

·Use a portable crafter

·Takes 15 minutes

·Costs 2-2.5M GP


Levels 55-64

Cutting Dragonstones

·Amount needed: 1,590

·Use a portable crafter

·Takes 20-25 minutes

·Costs 5-5.5 GP


Make sure you use a portable crafter here because the saving and the XP bonus is really important.


Once you get level 64, you can start making Green Dragonhide Shields. But if you really want to go for 99 cutting dragonstones, you are going to cut 83,488 dragonstones for level 99, which takes you 19-20 hours, and the cost will be 270-320M RS3 Gold.


Cutting dragonstones is 550-650K XP/H, which is really fast. But the only problem with dragonstones is they have 500 buying limits, which means it is going to take a lot of time to get a huge stock of dragonstones as you can cut 4,500 an hour, and you need to do so many buying limits to even get an hour’s worth of supply. But if you have the patience and time to buy 500 every 4 hours, this is a very good way to get 99.


But if you choose the Green Dragonhide Shield method, you can buy so much more dragonhide every single hour, which make it much easier to do especially during the DXP weekend.


Levels 64-72

Making Green Dragonhide Shields

If you are not going to do Dragonstones all the way to 99, you can make Green Dragonhide Shields.

·Amount needed: 1,805

·Use a portable crafter and buy the Scroll of dexterity

·Takes 60-70 minutes

·Costs 7-7.5M GP

·Gives 350-425K XP/H



Be sure to use a Portable Crafter and buy a Scroll of dexterity from Dungeoneering which will save you quite a lot of leather and plenty of RS3 Gold in the long run.


Levels 72-78

Making Blue Dragonhide Shields

·Amount needed: 2,370

·Use a portable crafter & a Scroll of dexterity

·Takes 80-90 minutes

·Costs 10-11M GP

·Gives 475-550K XP/H


Levels 78-85

Red Dragonhide Shields

·Amount needed: 4,748

·Use a portable crafter & a Scroll of dexterity

·Takes 2.5-3 hours

·Costs 28-32M GP

·Gives 525-600K XP/H


Levels 85-99

Making black dragonhide shields

·Amount needed: 25,835

·Use a portable crafter & a Scroll of dexterity

·Takes 14-15 hours

·Costs 175-225M RS3 Gold

·Gives 550-650K XP/H


The XP it gives is very close to what you can get by cutting dragonstones.



Cost Analysis


Slow and Profitable Method

With the slow method, you’ll earn 260-330M RuneScape Gold in profit, and it takes you 140-155 hours to get level 99.


Fast and Expensive Method

This method costs 250-325M RS Gold and takes you 20-25 hours to get 99 from level 1.


So you’ll save 125 hours by using the fast method. But instead of making 260M GP, you’ll lose 250M GP, which means the difference between the two methods is 500M GP. So if you can make 4M GP/H by doing some bossing or PvM and get all the XP that you would be getting while making that money, you’re better off doing the fast and expensive method, because not only are you going to get 99 Crafting, you are going to get loads of XP in other skills while making that money back. But if making that 4M GP/H is hard for you, you can do in the slow and profitable method.


Keep checking back for more RS guides and news related to RS Gold. We have a 2018 Spring Fayre Event Guide and 5 AFK F2P Low Requirement Money Making Methods for players who want to earn more OSRS Gold without spending money. 





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