
A Quick and Easy Guide to Three New Dungeons in WoW WotLK Classic

Por Shirley Huang
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In the latest World of Warcraft expansion, Wrath of the Lich King Classic, there are three new dungeons that players can explore: Utgarde Keep, The Nexus, and Azjol-Nerub. These dungeons are all located in Northrend and offer a great challenge for level 80 players. In this quick guide, we will give you a brief overview of each dungeon so that you can start planning your runs!


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Utgarde Keep Dungeon

Utgarde Keep is a level 60-62 dungeon located in the howling fjord. It is home to the vrykul, a race of giants. The keep was once used as a prison for political prisoners and criminals, but it has since been taken over by the Lich King. In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know about Utgarde Keep, including the bosses, loot, and quests.


Prince Keleseth Boss

The first boss you will encounter in Utgarde Keep is Prince Keleseth. He is a vampire who uses shadow bolt volleys and frost novas to damage players. He also has the ability to raise dead vrykul to fight for him. The key to defeating Prince Keleseth is to interrupt his shadow bolt volleys and frost novas. When he raises dead vrykul, focus on killing them quickly so they don't overwhelm the group. Having a Feral Tank Druid helps in this dungeon.


Skarvald the Constructor Boss

The second boss is Skarvald the Constructor, followed by Dalronn the Controller. Skarvald is immune to taunt effects, so tanks will need to use other means to hold aggro on him. He hits hard with his hammer, so healers will need to be prepared. Dalronn will summon ghosts that must be killed quickly. These ghosts can be stunned, so Druids and Paladins can be very helpful in this fight. Interrupting Skarvald's Hamstring ability is also important. Once Skarvald and Dalronn are down, move on to the next boss.


Ingvar the Plunderer Boss

The third boss is Ingvar the Plunderer. He has a lot of health and does heavy damage with his cleave and smash abilities. He also has an enrage timer, so the group will need to kill him before he gets too angry. Again, interrupting his abilities is key. He will also summon ghost ads that must be dealt with quickly. Once Ingvar is down, you will have cleared Utgarde Keep!


The Nexus Dungeon

The Nexus is a 5-player dungeon located in the coldest reaches of Northrend. It is home to some of the most powerful mages in the world, who have been imprisoned by Malygos, the aspect of magic.


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The Nexus is a dungeon that is home to five powerful bosses. In this guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to know about these bosses so that you can take them down and claim victory!


Anomalus Boss

This is the first boss that players will encounter in The Nexus. He is an energy being that has the ability to control the chaotic forces of magic. Anomalus is immune to all magic damage, so players will need to focus on physical damage in order to take him down. Additionally, Anomalus has a powerful shockwave attack that can knock players back, so be sure to keep your distance!


Ormorok the Tree-Shaper Boss

He is a giant tree creature that uses his powerful roots and branches to attack players. Ormorok is immune to all physical damage, so players will need to focus on magical damage in order to take him down. Additionally, Ormorok has a powerful stomp attack that can knock players back, so be sure to keep your distance!


Grand Magus Telestra Boss

She is a human mage that has been fused with three magical creatures. Grand Magus Telestra is immune to all physical damage, so players will need to focus on magical damage in order to take her down. Additionally, Grand Magus Telestra has a powerful fireball attack that can knock players back, so be sure to keep your distance!



If you are tired of doing dungeons, you can buy power leveling from a trustworthy site, like MmoGah, which is a wiser choice.


Keristrasza Boss

She is a dragon who has been imprisoned by Anomalus. Keristrasza is immune to all magic damage, so players will need to focus on physical damage in order to take her down. Additionally, Keristrasza has a powerful tail whip attack that can knock players back, so be sure to keep your distance!


Lord Ahune Boss

He is a giant ice elemental who wants nothing more than to destroy all life in Azeroth. Lord Ahune is immune to all physical damage, so players will need to focus on magical damage in order to take him down. Additionally, Lord Ahune has a powerful ice shards attack that can knock players back, so be sure to keep your distance!


Azjol-Nerub Dungeon

Azjol-Nerub is a level 80 dungeon located in Northrend. The dungeon is home to three bosses: Anub'arak, Hadronox, and Krik'thir, the Gatewatcher. In this guide, we'll give you a detailed overview of each boss, as well as some tips and tricks for defeating them. Let's get started!


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Anub'arak Boss

This is the first boss you'll encounter in Azjol-Nerub. He is an elite Nerubian who can be found in the Lower Spire. Anub'arak has two main abilities: Burrow and Impale. Burrow allows Anub'arak to tunnel underground, avoiding all damage while he does so. Impale causes Anub'arak to launch a barbed spike at his target, inflicting damage and slowing their movement speed. When fighting Anub'arak, it's important to keep moving so that you don't get hit by his Impale ability. You should also focus on taking out his minions first, as they will heal him if they are allowed to live.


Hadronox Boss

He is an elite spider that can be found in the Upper Spire. Hadronox has three main abilities: Acid Cloud, Leech Poison, and Web Wrap. Acid Cloud covers Hadronox's target in a poisonous cloud, inflicting damage over time. Leech Poison drains the life from Hadronox's target, healing him for the amount of damage dealt. Web Wrap encases Hadronox's target in webbing, stunning them for 5 seconds. When fighting Hadronox, it's important to kite him around so that he doesn't have a chance to use his Leech Poison ability on you. You should also focus on taking out his minions first, as they will heal him if they are allowed to live.


Krik'thir Boss

He is an elite Nerubian who can be found in the Upper Spire. Krik'thir has two main abilities: Mind Flay and Curse of Fatigue. Mind Flay deals damage over time and reduces the movement speed of Krik'thir's target. Curse of Fatigue slows the attack speed and movement speed of Krik'thir's target. When fighting Krik'thir, it's important to kite him around so that he doesn't have a chance to use his Mind Flay ability on you. You should also focus on taking out his minions first, as they will heal him if they are allowed to live.


If you're looking to gear up for these new challenges, one thing you need to prepare is to make sure you have plenty of Wrath of the Lich King Classic gold. You'll need this to buy gear, consumables, and other items from vendors in the expansion. Find other WotLK Classic guides at MMOGAH.


Related Link: 

Wrath of the Lich King Classic Dungeon Leveling Guide


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