
Some Important Tips to Prepare for WotLK Phase 3

Por Shirley Huang
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Welcome to our phase 3 important tips. We will go over these tips that you should focus on now while we're farming Ulduar so that you don't get caught unprepared for phase 3 and Trial of the Grand Crusader (ToGC).


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Tank Block Sets

Now the final boss of ToGC - Anub'arak, is an exciting blast of a fight featuring a big Battlefield change and multiple phases. One important mechanic in this fight is the addition of Nerubian Burrowers. These ads will begin to stack up over time unless they're killed. Now, they aren't too dangerous individually, but when they start stacking up in the aura, they increase their damage as a group to the point where they become very dangerous.


Now this is all fine, except they apply a debuff called Weakness. This stackable debuff applies to their current target and increases physical damage taken by 25%, stacking up to 10 times, the total is 250%, increased physical damage, so the normal strategy would be to three tanks this fight.


With two tanks on the ads, tanking them away from each other and having the raid, burning the ads down without letting them stack too high. But there is another way to enter the block set. Paladins and Warriors can gear towards 100% mitigation with about 4,000 block value buffed and a single target - Nerubian Burrowers.


The reason they can do this is that the burrower's damage is first checked against all the tanks' mitts, so each hit will be lowered by the block before then being calculated with the increased percent damage from Exposed Weakness, but if the amount you're getting hit is low - under 1,000, the big block you just got 250% isn't too dangerous. But if it's unblocked, you're getting hit by 5250% is a lot more threatening, so block sets start working on them.


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These are just the start of what we're thinking. There are probably more optimal setups, but this is a great start.


Save Your Emblems

A lot of people have been buying loads of Titanium because once ToGC releases, Titanium should be able to prospect into epic gems, but epic gems are also available from of Heroism. Emblems that you should be pretty much drowning in once we reach phase 3, so just hold on to them. Don't spend them haphazardly on Blue Gems or Rune Dwarves to sell them for those big epic gems later on.


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Do Your Dailies Now

Here it's important. Blizzard has stated that they'll be changing how Lockouts work in ToGC with regards to separate raid tiers for Heroic and Normal.


Back in the day, you could run 10 and 25-man of these instances on the both normal and heroic difficulty for a total of four raid lockouts per week. Still, Blizzard smartly is going to change the system in Wrath the Lich King Classic so that you only have the option of running either normal or heroic. This is great, in my opinion, but it does have some unintended consequences that should be thought about main tier.


In ToGC, there are three tier sets at different eye levels, 232, 245, and 258. Now with the likely removal of your weekly normal 10 and 25-man, since most of us will be opting for the heroic versions, you're removing a big portion of the tier, and Emblem of Triumph income that you'd get a tear is a bit of a mess in ToGC.


Let me try to explain it quickly.

The 232 gear is purchasable with Emblems of Triumph that drop from ToGC and Associated activities for different amounts.

The 245 gear is purchasable with those same emblems at 1.5 times the cost, plus an additional Trophy of the Crusade, which dropped from the 25-man heroic raid bosses as well as the tribute chest at the end of the 10-man heroic, so long as you've limited your wipes to a minimum.

The 258 gear tokens drop from that same chest on heroic, but you only get four per clear, making the 258 tier very difficult to obtain.


They are removing one of the 25-man and 10-man from your weekly rotation and will have to give you some ways to get here; otherwise, this is where your ToGC reps may come in. They could put of the Crusade, and you need to buy your 245 tier, punishable with champion seals, a currency earned from doing dailies in ToGC.


Again it's just a possibility. There are a lot of ways they could do this, but how to do it with your time? Finding some friends doing these will speed them up. It takes about 15 minutes, and if you get Champion status with all the factions, you will get a bonus tabard that teleports you to the tournament grounds, which helps speed things up a bit more.


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Work On Best in Slot (Bis)

Get the best items that will be used through phase 3. Finally, there are a lot of items in the old version that many classes use as their best throughout phase 3 and ultimately will use during progression through ICC as well and eventually on the Lich King. These are Big Ticket things that you'll be wearing for a long time, so focus on getting them to get maximum impact on them, and you'll not have to worry so much in phase 3 about going back to doing older.


Let's go over a few for physical DPS items, like Comet's Trail, Armbands of Bedlam, Frigid Strength of Hodir, Seal of the Betrayed King, and Sabatons of Lifeless Night for DKS, Belt of Colossal Rage are all either biss or within single digits of their phase 3 cousins, keep an eye out for them now.


MmoGah is the most trustworthy digital game goods store. Here you can obtain gold easily with low prices and fast delivery.


For casters, you're gonna be looking for Flare of the Heavens, Conductive Seal, and 10-man Petrified Ivy Sprig. These are all huge now and will continue to be best into phase 3, so pick them up as soon as you can.


For Healers, Val'anyr is the big one, but there are other things like Meteorite Crystal Illustration of the Dragon Soul from phase 1, Bindings of the Winter Gale, Barrows gloves, and Algalon Quest Rings. All these items are in phase 3 for a lot of the healers and likely what you'll be wearing when you kill Lich King for the first time, so if you use DKP, rootless, even Loot Council. Let them know what you're interested in, and keep pushing for those important items.


Lastly, the content is from Joardee's video. We hope that these tips are helpful to you.


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