
A Beginner's Guide to Fortnite: Save the World

Di Michel Z
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Today MmoGah shares with you a beginner guide which helps you get up to speed much faster. If you are new to Fortnite’s Save the World and finding everything a bit overwhelming, hopefully these tips will help. MmoGah also provides Fortnite Items for you to skip grinding Fortnite Materials and Weapons in the Save the World mode.


. Complete The Fortnite Tutorial

The tutorial is a little boring but definitely worth doing. The tutorial questions do a really good job at ensuring you are making progress and unlocking all of the different features and abilities that you can. Rushing into the game to play with others will only slow you down in the long run.


2. Save Any XP Boosts And Powerups

You would get a fairly minimal amount of XP per game at the beginning. 10% of 5000 xp might still be good at the start, but if you had a few games under your belt, you likely could have earned more than 5000k. Wait until you have played a couple of games before you start burning through the xp boosts.


For the teammate boosts, you’d better only give them to people who help you. Because you will find later on that Storm Shield defenses suck a lot, and people are often kind enough to help out, and the best way to reciprocate is to activate a team xp boost when people jump in to help.



3. Don't Upgrade Weapon Schematics Too Quickly

Upgrading a weapon schematic makes a weapon more powerful, but it also means that you need to get new crafting ingredients to create it. Sometimes, these ingredients can't be found until later in the game and you will be left in a position where your weapon schematics are too powerful for your current level and you won't be able to source the crafting components you need in order to craft the weapons until you progress further in the game. So it will be a good idea to be upgrading a few different weapons so that you can slowly upgrade them as you progress.



4. Take Your Time In Missions

Player will get a bonus for completing each mission or quest in under 2 days. This is enough even if you take it slow, you should be able to hit this target. Even if you miss it, the bonuses you will get from the extra time you spent on it still makes it worth doing. As long as you make it your priority to find resources and supplies first and then begin hunting for the quest objectives, you should end up with a lot of rare and valuable resources.



5. Look Out For Treasure Chests

Treasure Chests are very useful because they contain a variety of valuable Fortnite items, including Weapons and Traps. On every map, random treasure chests will appear in hidden locations. Only the first player to find the chest will get the loot, so once you find one, other players will miss out.


You will get a quest that makes you familiar with the treasure chests, but it won’t come for a few hours. Treasure chests give an instinct sound like a sort of angelical aura when you are nearby. They are usually hidden in the basement or attic of a building. If you hear one, start knocking down walls because there are a lot of hiding places that can’t be accessed through doors.

The original auther of this article is dano from nerdburglars. YouTube is a great place to learn how to improve your own game. MedievalSwagger also made a good guide which helps new players in learning the game.


6. Test Out Hero Classes

Soldier is the go to class for people who are unsure. Soldier is one of the strongest classes in the game and it’s definitely worth it to have a solid soldier in your hero roster. But constructors build much faster, the outlanders scavenges faster. It is good to try out everything and see which suits you best. A stage will come where you will need to do some grinding to get gear, so this will be a good chance for you to try out the other hero types.



7. Death Is Not Permanent

I was worried at first that because you could have so many heroes, that when you died the hero did too, but you can continue playing when you die. It comes at the cost of durability, but it is not permanent, so there is no harm in picking a hero you like the best at the start and just working toward building them up.


8. AI Base Defenders Are A Waste Of Time

Getting to your 3rd base defense enables you to assign AI characters to defend your storm shield base. But it is better to have real human players joining you rather than using the AI characters. Because the AI characters do not have infinite ammo, and you need to supply them, and these guys burn through ammo incredibly fast and they are as inaccurate as hell. 



9. Don't Be A Hoarder, Your Backpack Is Small

Inventory space in Fortnite is incredibly limited.  If you have a good gun, there's no reason to clog your inventory with an inferior version of the same gun.You can recycle weapons by opening your inventory and pressing the recycle button. This will give you some resources for it.


It is a good idea to wait until a weapon is almost broken and then scrap it, since you will at least get something from the weapon being broken.



10. Spend Talent Tree Points Carefully

There is no way to respect a talent tree. Any decisions you make now will be stuck with you for the rest of the game. At the start there aren't too many options, but after a while things will branch and there are not enough points for you to purchase everything. You need to find out what hero type you like the best and then start spending talent tree points that benefit this character type. Read over everything carefully. There is no need to spend them all right away, although this will work toward your power level, so they need to be spent eventually.

Keep checking back for more Fortnite news and guides related to Fortnite: Save the World and Fortnite: Battle Royale.




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