
Fortnite: Save the World Is Getting Big Changes

Di Michel Z
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Fortnite: Save the World is due for a massive update. As part of Fortnite’s v6.30 update which should release this week, the Save the World mode will be seeing several key improvements, mostly in the presentation and UI departments.



According to Epic, the goal was to make the various tabs integrate better with the rest of the game, not to mention make them easier to understand for newcomers. The new Homebase menu, as well as the associated tabs for Heroes, Survivors, Upgrades, Research, and Profile now all feature NPCs for flavour. These are characters you may have already met in the campaign, and they will gradually unlock for new players when they meet them.


The Heroes tab now features The Major, a new character who, when you meet him in the campaign, will unlock the ability to mange your various heroes as part of the Training Room. You’ll also be able to speak to The Major set your hero loadout, go on expeditions, and manage your defenders.


Likewise in the Survivors tab, you’ll meet a new character: The Director, whom you also meet in the campaign. This is where you’ll be able to manage your survivors and squads, and make use of auto-fill, a new feature that allows the game to automatically pick the survivors with the highest power for your squad.


Through the Upgrade tab, Kevin the robot will be able to help with your gadgets, upgrade points, and tools. This is also where you’ll be able to manage things like pickaxe strength, and backpack size. Lars is now manning the Research tab, where you’ll be able to spend research points to upgrade your F.O.R.T. stats.


The various schematics, and items you come across remain in the Armory. This is also the place to be if you want to transform items, and like the rest of them, the Armory too will be staffed by an NPC: Clip.


The update will also prioritise the position of the Quest tab, making it the first one in the UI. From there, you’ll be able to check your quest progress and keep track of the rewards. Epic also made the quest log easier to access, thanks to a new button placed under Play Now.


Beyond that, expect Save the World to be a bit easier to understand for new players. Gone are the UI-based quests that explained to players the game’s various functions, and they’re instead replaced with quick tutorials that will better explain how everything works to new players.


As a result of the above changes, veteran players will see a few updates to their profile. The old skill and research trees are gone now that their abilities have been moved into other places. This won’t necessarily mean a less powerful account, because Epic has turned this data into F.O.R.T. stats, upgrade points and other resources for players.


There’s more to these changes at the link, and you should definitely give it a read if you’ve spent time in the past playing Save the World. For more guides and news  related to Fortnite Items, please bookmark the Fortnite news page on


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