
How to Earn V-Bucks in Fortnite

Di Michel Z
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V-Bucks is a virtual currency that you can buy with real money. With the help of V-Bucks, players can buy items from the in-game Vindertech Store in Save the World, or to buy cosmetic items from the Item Shop and the Battle Pass in Battle Royale. How to earn V-Bucks in Fortnite? Today, MmoGah is sharing with a guide to earning V-Bucks in the game.





V-Bucks is a virtual currency that you can buy with real money. Players can use V-Bucks to buy in-game cosmetics like skins and emotes for use in Battle Royale. In Save the World mode, V-Bucks can be used in the Vindertech Store for items. It can also be used to unlock Battle Pass. The Battle Pass is an opportunity for players to unlock more awesome things with fewer V-Bucks. Buying battle pass is the best way to unlock stuff which you cannot unlock without buying a huge amount of V-Bucks.



How to get V-Bucks? 

Daily Login Rewards

The first way, buy the Save the World mode and log in the game every single day to earn V-Bucks. You’ll gain a reward which can range from cosmetic items all the way to V-Bucks for each day that you log in. This is not the fastest way as you don’t get much, but V-Bucks is a very rare commodity and every tiny number helps in making a big stack one day.


Fortnite: Save the World is going to be free in 2019, so players may spend less money on V-Bucks. Should you need any Fortnite items for Save the World mode, check out MmoGah for cheap Fortnite items, and we are fast, professional and reliable. Use code: MMOGAHCOM for a 2% discount on your checkout.



Complete the Daily Quest 

These are simple quests that grant you about 50 V-Bucks for doing the daily quests in Save the World mode. When start playing Save the World mode, you will see some tasks on the side. These are daily quests which can help you earn more V-Bucks in less time than Daily logins.


Daily quests are pretty similar to the Daily challenges that you can find in Battle Royale mode. It has a lot of missions which you can complete to successfully earn free V-Bucks. This is not really free because you still have to pay some amount, but in the long run, you will see that the amount you paid is actually very less according to the amount you have to spend on V-Bucks time after time.


Timed Missions

Another way to earn V-Bucks is doing Timed Mission. The mission changes every 6 hours. By doing Timed Mission, you can earn experience, survivors, schematics, defenders, heroes, Transformation key, perk resources, or V-Bucks. The rewards can be claimed after you’ve completed the Timed Mission. These Timed missions can be found on the map easily, and they appear in a shape of a clock. 


You can only get V-Bucks on Mini-Boss missions which give you around 40 V-Bucks in every mission. However, you must know that there is a limit in Mini-Boss missions which states that you can only earn 3 rewards per day by doing a Mini-Boss mission, so if you complete more than 3 Mini-Boss mission, you will not get any bonus reward(V-Bucks or Legendary Transformation key). 



Side Quest

Side quests are entirely another set of quests that you can complete to earn V-Bucks. Not all Side quests get you V-Bucks, but some side quests grant experience, and some grant bacon and other items. But you’ll want to do the Side quests which offer V-Bucks. These side quests are limited, so make sure to play the main quest line which will unlock more side quests for earning more V-Bucks. 


You could earn up to 2600 V-Bucks just by doing side quests. You should not skip any challenge because they give you rewards in one way or another.



Complete the Main Questline

At the starting of the Save the World mode, you can easily earn many V-Bucks and other items. Main questline has 4 parts, and you can get V-Bucks by completing them. You get 100 V-Bucks after completing every 10 levels, and the Storm Shield Missions also provide skill points. You can unlock next area only after completing the set of mission. And in the next area, you will find other missions which will help you obtain more and more V-Bucks.



Participate in Events


These Events provide V-Bucks and new things like guns, characters, traps and other legendary items when you complete them. You can find the Events in your Fortnite main menu under Quests at the top. Now these Events appear weekly and they have their separate questline and separate progression system from the main one which will get you V-Bucks.



Buy V-Bucks to Get Free V-Bucks



It involves buying some V-bucks first, but it’s still a more indirect way of getting some V-Bucks for free. 

When purchasing V-Bucks, you will get some V-Bucks for Free. There are 4 packages that you can choose from. However, you won’t get free V-Bucks with $9.99 pack, and the $24.99 package doesn’t give any significant value of free V-Bucks, so it is recommended to buy the $59.99 package so as to make the most of your money.

· $9.99 – 1000 V-Bucks

· $24.99 – 2,500 V-Bucks + 300 Free V-Bucks

· $59.99 – 6,000 V-Bucks + 1,500 Free V-Bucks

· $99.99 – 10,000 V-Bucks + 3,500 Free V-Bucks



Be Careful

Beware of Fraud Sites

Some sites claim that they have found a way to give free V-Bucks for Fortnite or show you some “V-Bucks generator”, but you should always beware of those sites because they are mostly fake and they deceive you by taking information of your account and sometimes they hack your account and you lose all of your previous data. So stay as far away as possible from these sites. 



You should also accept giveaways from a trusted site or a trusted person i.e. If a YouTuber is giving free fortnite V-Bucks, you must always read the comments, see what other people think of him/her and if the response is right only then you should accept it. 


These are the legitimate methods you can use for getting V-Bucks in Fortnite. Keep checking back for more Fortnite news and guides related to Fortnite: Save the World and Fortnite: Battle Royale.


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