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Best Place to Farm Nirncrux in ESO

에 의해 Michel Z
게시 날짜 
마지막 업데이트 날짜 

In The Elder Scrolls Online, Nirncrux is a rare and valuable material that can be used to create powerful weapons and armor. If you want to farm Nirncrux to earn some gold or craft set pieces yourself, pantifical's guide will be helpful.

Where to Farm Nirncrux

Nirncrux materials can be found only in Craglorn. They were originally limited to Upper Craglorn but can now be found throughout the entire zone.


Nirncrux Types

Potent Nirncrux and Fortified Nirncrux in ESO

Potent Nirncrux and Fortified Nirncrux

Nirncrux can be used to craft Nirnhoned weapons and armor. There are two types of Nirncrux: Potent Nirncrux and Fortified Nirncrux. Fortified Nirncrux is more common and used to make Nirnhoned armor. Potent Nirncrux is less common and much more expensive, and it is used to create Nirnhoned weapons.


Transmuting does not require Nirncrux, so if you're farming Nirncrux to make a weapon for yourself, you can transmute a weapon to Nirnhoned without having potent Nirncrux in your inventory or Craft Bag. But if you want to trade Nirncrux with other players or make researchable sets, you must spend some time farming.


Which Nodes to Farm for Nirncrux

You can obtain Nirncrux from metal, wood, jewelry, and clothing nodes. They can also be obtained from mobs that drop leather scraps, such as daggerbacks and camels.


It is important to note that Nirncurx materials don't drop from Alchemy or Enchanting nodes. Therefore, if you plan to farm Nirncrux in an efficient matter, you need to skip the Alchemy and Enchanting nodes. 


Nirncrux will also drop from Craglorn survey maps, so don't skip your Blacksmith, Jewelry, Woodworker, or Clothing surveys in Cragorn.


Tips and Tricks for Nirncrux Farming

Farming Nirncrux can be challenging, as the drop rate is very low, and the nodes are scattered across the map. However, there are some tips and tricks that can help you increase your chances of finding Nirncrux:


1. When farming Nirncrux, make sure you turn on Auto-Loot: Settings – Gameplay – Items – turn on Auto-Loot.


2. You'll also probably want to use a speed build and use your Champion Points wisely on starts like Steed's Blessing, War Mount, Master Gatherer, and Plentiful Harvest in the Craft tree.


•    Steed's Blessing increases your Out of Combat Movement Speed by 4% per stage.


•    War Mount improves your mastery with mounts, removing all mount Stamina costs outside of combat.


•    Master Gatherer reduces the time it takes to harvest by 10% per stage. 


•    Plentiful Harvest gives you a 10% chance to gain double the yield from normal resource nodes per stage.


3. Having the Keen Eye maxed out in your passive crafting abilities will help you spot the nodes. 


That is how to get Nirncrux in The Elder Scrolls Online. If you follow these tips, you should be able to farm this valuable material more efficiently and effectively. Happy hunting! 


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