News & Guides
WoW Season of Discovery News & Guides
- SoD Phase 8 Awaits: Top Picks for DPS, Tank, and HealerThe much-anticipated Phase 8 SoD is upon us, bringing with it a wealth of new content, including the Scarlet Enclave raid, revamped class tier sets, and a legendary weapon questline. This phase introduces significant changes to the meta, impacting DPS, tank, and healer roles in both PvP and PvE scenarios. In this article, we’ll delve into the tier lists for each role, analyzing their performance, utility, and adaptability in the current meta.
- SoD Phase 7: Ultimate Tier Lists for DPS (PvP & PvE), Tank, and HealerWelcome to our comprehensive guide for SoD Phase 7! In this guide, we provide detailed tier lists for DPS in both PvE and PvP, as well as rankings for Tank and Healer. Whether you're aiming to top the damage charts, hold the line as a tank, or keep your team alive as a healer, this guide will help you understand the current meta and make informed decisions to maximize your performance. To enhance your gameplay experience, you can buy some WoW SoD gold to get the best gear and resources!
- Season of Discovery Phase 5 Warrior BiS Gear, Best Builds & Runes, and Leveling GuideIn SoD Phase 5, Warriors continue to be a dominant class, especially with Blackwing Lair (BWL) and Zul'Gurub now available. This guide covers the best in slot (BiS) gear, recommended builds and runes, talents, and leveling guides for Warriors to help them thrive in both PvE and PvP. Owning more WoW SoD gold can significantly enhance your gameplay experience.
- Phase 5 SoD DPS, Healer, and Tank Tier Lists GuidePhase 5 of WoW SoD brings significant changes and updates to classes and gameplay mechanics. If you are looking to maximize your gear and performance quickly, you can buy reliable Season of Discovery gold to get an edge in the game. Here's a detailed guide on the current rankings for DPS, Healer, and Tank, along with some insights into their performance and utility.
- WoW SoD Phase 4 Hunter Guide: BiS Gear, Best Builds & Runes, and Leveling TipsIn WoW SoD Phase 4, Hunters can optimize their performance with specific BiS gear, builds, talents, and runes. Leveling up quickly as a Hunter requires a combination of efficient questing, optimal talent builds, and strategic use of pets and runes. In addition, using professional SoD power leveling services can significantly speed up the leveling process.
- Phase 4 SoD Warrior Guide: Best Builds, New Runes, BiS Gear, and Leveling GuideWoW SoD Phase 4 came on July 11. Strong Warriors will have a host of changes and new additions that have impacted their gameplay significantly across both PvE and PvP modes. Here's a detailed guide covering the Warrior class changes, best builds, BiS gear, new runes, talents, and leveling strategies.
- WoW SoD Phase 4 Tier List Guide: DPS, Healer, and Tank RankingsWoW SoD has brought significant changes to the DPS rankings, particularly in Phase 4. The introduction of new Runes and adjustments to class mechanics have shaken up the established meta, leading to some surprising shifts in class performance. It's worth noting that Healer and Tank classes also play crucial roles in any raid composition.
- Phase 3 SoD Rogue BiS Gear, New Runes, Talents, and Leveling TipsRogues in WoW SoD are masters of stealth and precision. In Phase 3, they continue to excel with their high single-target damage and unique utility. Progressing as a Rogue requires efficient leveling strategies, a blend of tactical combat, and smart talent choices to reach the endgame content swiftly while maximizing your character's potential.
- Phase 3 SoD Tier List Guide: DPS, Tank, and Healer RankingsGood News! SoD Phase 3 will come on Apr 4 and introduce a wealth of new content for adventurers, including the level cap will be increased to 50, new Sunken Temple raid, new runes and gear slots, nightmare incursions, PvP ranks increased, new blood moon rewards, etc.