News & Guides
WoW Season of Discovery News & Guides
- Top 10 Must-Haves for SoD Phase 6 PreparationPhase 6 is coming to SoD on Nov 21, and it's packed with exciting new content and activities for players, from two AQ raids to Dragons of Nightmare with waves of enemies attacking in locations like Silithus, where you can get a ton of WoW Season of Discovery gold and Reputation points.
- SoD Phase 5 Huge Changes and Raid Investments GuideWelcome to our SoD Phase 5 huge changes and raid investments guide. We will cover a breakdown of new dungeons, class and spell changes, famous NPCs, new legendary weapons, and more. The focus is on strategies to make smart investments ahead of Phase 5, particularly in profiting from upcoming raid content like Blackwing Lair (BWL) and Zul'Gurub (ZG).
- SoD Phase 4 Release Date, New Features and Preparation TipsPhase 4 SoD was released on July 11, and Molten Core & Onyxia’s Lair raid dungeons came on July 25. SoD Phase 4 introduces a range of new content and significant updates designed to enrich the player's experience by providing more depth to the gameplay mechanics and expanding the universe of World of Warcraft. It encourages players to explore new strategies and enjoy the content at a deeper level, whether they're battling through raids, engaging in PvP, or exploring new quests.
- Season of Discovery Phase 3 New Runes for All Classes and How to Get ThemWoW SoD Phase 3 is set to introduce a host of new runes for all classes, bringing fresh gameplay dynamics and strategic options. These runes augment abilities, offering enhanced effects, cooldown modifications, and even new capabilities. Each class is expected to receive runes that cater to their unique playstyles and roles within the game.
- Season of Discovery Phase 2 Release Date, New Features and Preparation TipsAlthough it's been less than two weeks since launch, enthusiastic players who have already reached the current level cap of 25 are eager to learn about the release date for the next level band, 25-40. While Blizzard has not revealed the release date, we estimated that Phase 2 will likely come out on Jan 30 or Feb 6, 2024.