新闻 & 指南
Elysium News & Guides
- How to Avoid Getting Banned for Buying Nostalrius GoldAfter the 3 successful stability tests performed over the past few weeks, Nostalrius PvP & PvE is finally online. There are more than 10,000 players had taken part in the game. The fresh Elysium PvP realm is coming, it is time to get fully prepared and stock enough nostalrius gold.作者: Shirley Huang
- Elysium Project Fresh Realm - Nethergarde Will Be Released on March 30Good news! Elysium fresh realm Nethergarde PvP will come on March 30. Elysium Project announced “Nethergarde! Our latest fresh PVP realm! Launching March 30th @ 5PM GMT+1/12PM EST. Come join us and play for free!”作者: Shirley Huang
- Light’s Hope New Realm - Northdale’s Release and TimelineAs you have known, official site had merged three realms into one realm two weeks ago (June 6). Light’s hope will launch new realm – Northdale this week (June 23). Official site is laying out plans for the timeline, and doing its utmost to ensure as smooth a launch as possible. Here will guide you to the new realm – Northdale’s timeline.作者: Shirley Huang
- Elysium Nighthaven PvP - Patch 1.7 Rise of the Blood God Is Coming on May 5Nighthaven PvP - Patch 1.7 Rise of the Blood God will go live on May 5! Uncover Zul’Gurub’s ancient city with 20 adventurers and fight for control of Arathi Basin. With the release of Patch 1.7 - Rise of the Blood God, the latest content progression step for Nighthaven is that sending players to a new raiding content and battleground.作者: Shirley Huang
- Elysium Nighthaven PvP - Patch 1.6 Assault on Blackwing Lair Will Come on March 10Nighthaven PvP Patch 1.6 - Assault on Blackwing Lair will come on March 10. Are you prepared? Some players would like to farm light’s hope gold by themselves, but some players would like to buy light’s hope gold or light’s hope power leveling service from a third party.作者: Shirley Huang
- Light’s Hope Three Realms Will Merge and A New Realm Will Be Released in JuneLight’s Hope Anathema, Darrowshire and Lightbringer will merge on June 6. A new and fresh realm will be released between 11th and 17th of June. Here as one of the best light’s hope gold, items and power leveling stores would like to share the updated news with light’s hope fans.作者: Shirley Huang
- Elysium Nighthaven PvP Patch 1.5 Battlegrounds and First PVP Arena Tournament Will Coming SoonElysium Nighthaven PvP Patch 1.5 Battlegrounds is coming on Feb 10. Nighthaven's First PVP Arena Tournament will begin on Sunday, Feb 11. Now MmoGah as a professional light’s hope gold, items and power leveling store shares these two good news with light’s hope fans.作者: Shirley Huang
- Elysium Project Latest Update: Nighthaven PvP Patch 1.4 - The Call to WarElysium Project Nighthaven realm has been live for two months. A stable online player population (3,500 - 5,500), and a near even faction balance between the Alliance and Horde, have made it the place to play Vanilla World of Warcraft.作者: Shirley Huang
- Light's Hope: the Elysium Realm Renames and Three Realms Timeline UpdatesThere are some good news are coming to gamers these days. 1. Blizzard Plans to Bring Back Vanilla World of Warcraft Servers, and Official Legacy Servers are now being created by Blizzard. 2. Elysium Project has released the newest fresh realm: Nighthaven PvP on Nov 5, which is going to be a fast-paced progression realm, starting on version 1.2.作者: Shirley Huang
- Elysium Project Shuts Down and Relaunches as “Light’s Hope”An announcement came today revealing that the Elysium Project is shutting down temporarily due to Financial Shenanigans. The core team are stepping down from the Elysium Project are coalescing around the foundational ideals this project is supposed to represent and are relaunching as “Light’s Hope” under new management.作者: Shirley Huang