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Elysium Project Fresh Realm - Nethergarde Will Be Released on March 30

作者: Shirley Huang

Good news! Elysium fresh realm Nethergarde PvP will come on March 30.

Elysium Project announced

“Nethergarde! Our latest fresh PVP realm! Launching March 30th @ 5PM GMT+1/12PM EST. Come join us and play for free!”

Today would like to share the good news that comes from office site.
EXP Rate: x1 Blizzlike EXP

Battlegrounds: All BGs open at launch (AB/AV/WSG) - We have made changes to the queue system to correct issues from Nighthaven.

Raid Dungeons: MC/Ony/BWL Open upon launch

Patch Progression: Fast paced. Same as Nighthaven (Approximately 1 year to complete all content).

PVP Gear: Update @ Patch 1.7

Riding Costs/Training: 900g @ Start of realm for training. Mounts BOP. (Originally this is released in 1.12)


Office site decides not to run an increased XP realm that was a tough one, since increased EXP allows certain illegal activities to become easier. Illegal activities include:

Account selling


Multibox grinding

Gold Farming

Increased levels at a quicker pace allow higher grade mats, crafting, and profession related gold farming to be easier

X1 rate allows for a longer term of time on the realms. Although Classic will launch in 4/5 months, and our TBC realm in Q2, office wants this realm to be a long term realm that people will invest time in.

To make up for the potential time constraints for some players going into Classic, we wanted to launch the realm with open BGs, raids at a quicker pace, and tedious patch changes at an earlier stage in the server progression than previously done.


Original accouncement

Our thought process has gone something along the lines of “Well, we’re in 1.12 on Nighthaven, we’re losing players due to no end game content, and we have no choice but to delay TBC. What’s the solution?”

Let us launch a Fresh Vanilla PVP realm for our community to race to 60, start some new classes, experience fresh content, incorporate some players from other servers that are closing, form new guilds and new friendships, and once TBC launches, allow the transfer to TBC from both realms if they choose, regardless of patch progression.

“But what about Nighthaven character? We 100% agree, and we don’t want you to lose that progress. It will be completely transferrable to TBC upon its launch.


Fresh Realm Details:

Fast Paced PvP Vanilla (Same patch progression as NH)

Launch date: Saturday, March 30th

Name: TBD (Likely we’ll have a player contest to name it!)

Elysium/Nostalrius core

Monthly PVP Tournaments

PVP Battleground Optimizations

Transfer to TBC Expansion Realm

During Nighthaven’s infancy, we had some issues with mount costs, and world bosses. We want to stress to everyone that those issues have been fixed and won’t be altered at any time by the staff. 

Yes, we realize Classic is launching sometime in the “summer”. We intend to be in TBC at that time, and anticipate people will still want to play for free, on our truly classic server - not Activision’s business model classic. Time will tell!


Many players can’t wait to take part in the new realm, and you can buy nethergarde gold or  ask for Elysium power leveling once the new realm releases. Pay attention to our Elysium news page and get the updated news.
