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WotLK Classic (Lvl80) News & Guides
- WotLK Ulduar Boss Guide: Part OneWelcome to our WotLK Ulduar full raid guide (All Bosses Normal and Hard Mode 25 Man). This raid is available starting with Phase 2 and offers 14 bosses & challenges! Your path through the raid will be mostly linear, with more areas becoming available as you progress.作者: Shirley Huang
- WoW Classic WotLK Boss Guide - Hardest Bosses and How to Defeat ThemWrath of the Lich King Classic will soon arrive later this year. People loved the original Wrath of the Lich King; for some, it is looked upon as the apex of World of Warcraft's history. WotLK Classic wouldn't be much different from the original pack, and minimal changes would be made to preserve the game's standards.作者: Danikhan