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WotLK Classic (Lvl80) News & Guides
- WotLK Phase 4: Hunter BiS Gear Guide and Leveling TipsDuring WotLK Phase 4, Hunters excel at dealing ranged damage with their bows and guns while utilizing their pets to provide additional utility and DPS. They are widely considered to be one of the strongest solo-leveling classes. Having the Best in Slot (BiS) gear is crucial for maximizing your character's performance.作者: Shirley Huang
- WotLK Phase 4 Healer Rankings GuideWotLK Phase 4 introduced challenging raids such as Icecrown Citadel, Crusaders' Coliseum, and the Trial of the Grand Crusader. These raids required healers to display exceptional skills, as the bosses dealt significant damage to the raid group. With that in mind, certain healing classes and specs stood out as the most effective choices.作者: Shirley Huang
- WotLK Phase 4 DPS Rankings GuidePhase 4 will come on Oct 10, and the main raid -Icecrown Citadel, will come on Oct 12. It includes new dungeons, a legendary item, titan rune difficulty, Arfus Pet, Titan Rune Currency - Defiler's Scourgestone, reputation, a new boss in Vault of Archavon, and Start of Arena PvP Season 8. Many players have already prepared some WoW WotLK gold for buying items or skills they need.作者: Shirley Huang
- Best DPS Class in WotLK Classic Phase 3Today we will talk about the best DPS in Phase 3 of Wrath of the Lich King. We're not only going to be factoring in the best DPS but also classes, actually bringing the most of the raids. After all, Trial of the Crusader (ToC) is the ultimate challenge running a raid, and you're going to get through the raid with as few wipes as possible.作者: Shirley Huang
- Wrath Classic Phase 3 DPS Rankings GuideWotLK Phase 3 is expected to be released in April; however, the new content it contains is available here, including Trial of the Crusader, a mini-raid that few players remember fondly, and Onyxia, a level 80 raid monster from Classic, are introduced in the third phase of Wrath of the Lich King.作者: Hasi
- WotLK Phase 2 Guide: Demonology Warlock Pre-Raid GearAs WotLK phase 2 draws to a climax, many players are beginning to think about what gear they want to buy for their Demonology Warlocks. In this article, we're going to take a look at some of the greatest pre-raid gear that can be obtained for Demonology Warlocks in phase 2 of WotLK Classic.作者: Hasi
- WotLK Classic Talent Calculator Guide for Each ClassFor any WotLK Classic player, creating a perfect talent build is essential for those who want to succeed. To create a build, you have to divide points between various abilities. You can defeat the most challenging bosses quickly if you do it right. Otherwise, you will have a hard time surviving in Wrath Classic.作者: Hasi