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WotLK Classic (Lvl80) News & Guides
- Guide to Trial of the Champion Dungeon in WotLK Phase 3Blizzard has not yet announced the release date of Wrath of the Lich King Classic's Phase 3, and we estimate it will come in May. Now you can start by investing in items that are low in demand and high in supply.Some items are quite expensive, so you need to spend large amounts of WotLK Classic gold on them.作者: Shirley Huang
- WoW WotLK Titan Rune Dungeon GuideTitan Rune Dungeon is a new dungeon that is included in the release of the WotLK Classic expansion. The entrance to this dungeon is situated in the Twilight Highlands, and the only way to get there is via flying or through the portal in Orgrimmar. The Titan Rune Dungeon is home to a wide variety of unique and robust treasures, one of which is highly sought after Titan Rune.作者: Hasi
- The Ultimate Guide to Naxxramas Raid in WoW Classic WotLKNaxxramas, the dreaded necropolis of the Scourge, has been resurrected and now looms over Wintergarde Keep in Northrend. In this ultimate guide, we will provide you with tips on how to kill each boss, as well as maps and strategies for defeating Naxxramas.作者: Bmichaellogan
- A Quick and Easy Guide to Three New Dungeons in WoW WotLK ClassicIn the latest World of Warcraft expansion, Wrath of the Lich King Classic, there are three new dungeons that players can explore: Utgarde Keep, The Nexus, and Azjol-Nerub. These dungeons are all located in Northrend and offer a great challenge for level 80 players.作者: Shirley Huang
- Wrath of the Lich King Classic Dungeon Leveling Guide Two options are available if you want to level up in WOTLK Classic. This article features a complete guide so players can level up by doing Dungeons only. Wrath of the Lich King Classic was released on the 26th of September, and players can now travel to the Northrend region again. They will have to do all the grinding to level up their character from the start.作者: Hasi
- WotLK Classic Dungeon Guide - Forge of SoulsIn this WotLK Classic Dungeon Guide, we are going to focus on a preview of the Forge of Souls from the original Wrath of the Lich King expansion for World of Warcraft.Up to this point in the game, there have not been a lot of truly immersive and precarious dungeons, especially one part of a more expansion series of dungeons.作者: Bmichaellogan