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WotLK Classic (Lvl80) News & Guides
- WotLK Enchanting Leveling Guide 1-450It doesn't matter which level you want to start with, including standard levels, professional leveling, spells, or weapons; it will take a lot of time and dedication. Therefore, it is important that you carefully explore your options before making a final decision.作者: Hasi
- WoW WotLK Jewelcrafting Leveling GuideProfessions are optional in Wrath of the Lich King, and they are very beneficial because you can earn in-game currency with them and empower your character like never before. With the release of a new expansion, there are some updates to the profession system as well; this time, it is Jewelcrafting.作者: Hasi
- WoW WotLK Classic Mining Guide 1-450Mining is a gathering profession in WoW that allows players to collect ores from mineral nodes scattered around the game world. In the Wrath of the Lich King Classic expansion, mining nodes can be found throughout Northrend, with the best concentration being in the Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord.作者: Bmichaellogan
- A Complete Guide to WotLK Classic Professions – Which to Choose & ProfitThe profession has changed in a big way in Wrath. Choosing your profession is a big decision in terms of time investment and gold. This article will explain each profession's passive and active professional bonuses, how each profession stacks up against the others, which class should choose which career, and how much gold each profession can produce.作者: Awaisqureshi